The Solonian constitution was created by Solon in the early 6th century BC. At the time of Solon, the Athenian State was almost falling to pieces in consequence of dissensions between the parties into which the population was divided. Solon wanted to revise or abolish the older laws of Draco. He promulgated a code of laws embracing the whole of public and private life, the salutary effects of which lasted long after the end of his constitution.
Under Solon's reforms, all debts were abolished and all debt-slaves were freed. The status of the (the "one-sixth workers"), who farmed in an early form of serfdom, was also abolished. These reforms were known as the . Solon's constitution reduced the power of the old aristocracy by making wealth rather than birth a criterion for holding political positions, a system called (timocracy). Citizens were also divided based on their land production: , , , and . The lower assembly was given the right to hear appeals, and Solon also created the higher assembly. Both of these were meant to decrease the power of the Areopagus, the aristocratic council. The only parts of Draconian constitution that Solon kept were the laws regarding homicide. The constitution was written as poetry, and as soon as it was introduced, Solon went into self-imposed exile for ten years so he would not be tempted to take power as a tyrant.
The or (πεντακοσιομέδιμνοι) were the top class of citizens: those whose property or estate could produce 500 medimnoi of wet or dry goods (or their equivalent), per year. They were eligible for all top positions of government in Athens. These were:
Nine archons and treasurers
Council of Areopagus (as ex-archons)
Council of 500
The could also serve as generals () in the Athenian army.
The hippeus was the second highest of the four social classes. It was composed of men who had at least 300 medimnoi or their equivalent as yearly income.
The (zeugitai) were those whose property or estate could produce 200 medimnoi of wet or dry goods (or their equivalent), per year.
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thumb|220px|right|Stèle dite de la démocratie, portant une loi contre la tyrannie, et un relief représentant le Démos couronné par la Démocratie, musée de l'Agora antique d'Athènes. La démocratie athénienne désigne le régime politique de démocratie directe mis en place progressivement dans la cité d'Athènes durant l'Antiquité et réputée pour être l'ancêtre des démocraties modernes. Le terme démocratie vient des mots grecs («le peuple») et («la puissance, le pouvoir»). Il s'agit donc d'un régime où les décisions sont prises par le peuple.
vignette|La Loi par Jean-Jacques Feuchère. Marbre, 1852. Place du Palais-Bourbon, VIIe arrondissement de Paris. Le droit est défini comme , ou de façon plus complète . Ces règles, appelées règles de droit sont impersonnelles, abstraites, obligatoires et indiquent ce qui « doit être fait ». Ces règles juridiques peuvent trouver leur source dans une source normative « supérieure », extérieure, transcendante, comme le droit naturel, ou découler de normes intrinsèques, issues de la morale et de la raison.
Dracon (en grec ancien / Drákôn) est un législateur athénien du , appartenant à la classe des Eupatrides (les « bien nés »). Il rédige ses lois en 621 , sous l'archontat d'Aristaichmos. Ce sont les premières lois ( / thesmoí) écrites de la cité. Pour que personne ne les ignore, elles sont affichées sur des panneaux de bois (), conservés presque deux siècles, et sur des stèles de forme de bétyles ().