
Rock Mill, Washington

Rock Mill is a Grade II listed smock mill at Washington, West Sussex, England, which has been converted to residential use. History Rock Mill was built in 1823. The mill was working at the outbreak of the First World War but was converted to a house in about 1919, using the machinery as decoration. The composer John Ireland bought the mill in 1953 and died there in 1962. As of 2007, the mill is used as offices. Description Rock Mill is a three-storey smock mill on a single-storey base, formerly carrying a beehive cap winded by a fantail. It had four Patent sails and drove three pairs of millstones (two pairs French Burr and one pair of Peak stones). Millers *Thomas Harwood, 1837 *Henry Harwood, 1837-40 *E. Mitchell, 1845-55 *S.A. Coote, 1890
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