EE-543: Advanced wireless receiversStudents extend their knowledge on wireless communication systems to spread-spectrum communication and to multi-antenna systems. They also learn about the basic information theoretic concepts, about c
CH-411: Cellular signallingPresentation of selected signalling pathways with emphasis on both the mechanism of action of the molecules involved, molecular interactions and the role of their spatio-temporal organization within t
MICRO-516: NanophotonicsStudents understand and apply the physics of the interaction of light with semiconductors. They understand the operating mechanism of scaled photonic devices such as photodetectors, LEDs and lasers, a
EE-518: Analog circuits for biochipIntroduction to analog CMOS design for Remote Biosensors on Chip. Understanding and designing of active and remotely powered biosensing systems. Basic understanding of the wireless transmission of the
MICRO-311(b): Signals and systems II (for SV)Ce cours aborde la théorie des systèmes linéaires discrets invariants par décalage (LID). Leurs propriétés et caractéristiques fondamentales y sont discutées, ainsi que les outils fondamentaux permett
EE-465: Industrial electronics IThe course deals with the control of grid connected power electronic converters for renewable applications, covering: converter topologies, pulse width modulation, modelling, control algorithms and co
MICRO-310(a): Signals and systems I (for MT)Présentation des concepts et des outils de base pour la caractérisation des signaux ainsi que pour l'analyse et la synthèse des systèmes linéaires (filtres ou canaux de transmission). Application de c