State media or government media are media outlets that are under financial and/or editorial control of the state or government, directly or indirectly. There are different types of state and government media. State-controlled or state-run media are under editorial control or influence by the state or government. There is no undisputed definition of state media or government media. The most common definition of state media or government media refers to any media organization that is either directly or indirectly owned or operated by the state. Across 97 countries, the pattern of media ownership was found to be predominantly owned by either the government or by prominent families connected with government entities. It is often associated with authoritarian governments that use state media to control, influence, and limit information. State or government media can range from media outlets that are completely under state control to editorially independent public service media outlets. The term "public media" can be used to refer to state or government media and public service broadcasting (PBS). Although there are differences between them. According to the ACE Electoral Knowledge Network, state and government media are directly controlled by the state or government; and PBS are not. According to Facebook, state-controlled media are "partially or wholly under the editorial control of a government". Twitter previously used the term "state-affiliated media" and defined it as "outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures, and/or control over production and distribution." At the same time, "state-financed" editorially independent media are not considered "state-affiliated". As of 2023, Twitter no longer officially takes a stance. Its content, according to some sources, is usually more prescriptive, telling the audience what to think, particularly as it is under no pressure to attract high ratings or generate advertising revenue and therefore may cater to the forces in control of the state as opposed to the forces in control of the corporation, as described in the propaganda model of the mass media.
Daniel Gatica-Perez, Delphine Ribes Lemay, Nicolas Henchoz, Andreas Sonderegger, Thanh Trung Phan