Valentin Daniel Maurice BourdonValentin Bourdon est architecte Dr EPFL, chercheur postdoctorant et assistant d'enseignement. Il obtient son diplôme d'architecture en juillet 2013 à l’École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires Paris-Est à Marne-la-Vallée sous la direction de Jacques Lucan, et son doctorat en septembre 2020 à l’EPFL sous la direction de Luca Ortelli. Depuis septembre 2021, il est coordinateur exécutif du Habitat Research Center et coordinateur du programme MAS ETH EPFL UTD. Engagé dans les recherches du Laboratoire de Construction et Conservation entre janvier 2017 et septembre 2021, il participe aussi à l'encadrement de l'atelier Housing - Théorie et critique du projet, en troisième année d'architecture. En 2019 il bénéficie d'un séjour académique de six mois au sein du Metrolab Bruxelles grâce au soutien du FNS, et multiplie pendant sa recherche les publications scientifiques et à destination du grand public. Son arrivée en Suisse et son retour dans le monde académique interviennent après une expérience professionnelle approfondie au sein de l’agence parisienne MGAU Michel Guthmann Architecture Urbanisme. De 2010 à 2016, il participe à la majorité des projets développés par l'agence et assure le suivi de plusieurs d'entre eux, aussi bien des logements collectifs que des projets urbains. Il est architecte habilité à exercer la maîtrise d’œuvre en son nom propre depuis janvier 2015.
Pierre-André FarinePierre-André Farine received the Doctoral and Engineering Degrees in Microtechnology from University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, respectively in 1984 and 1978, and the Engineering in Microtechnology from ETS Le Locle in 1974.
He was working 17 years for the Swiss watch industries (Swatch Group), including developments for high-tech products, such as pager watches, watches including integrated sensors such as pressure, compass, altimeter and temperature sensors for Tissot. He was also involved in prototypes developments for watches including GPS and cellular GSM phones.
Since 8 years, he is Professor in Electronics and Signal Processing at the Institute of Microtechnology IMT, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Full professor at EPFL since January 1st, 2009, he works in the field of low-power integrated products for portable devices, including microelectronics for wireless telecommunications, UWB and GNSS systems. He is Head of the Electronics and Signal Processing Laboratory ESPLAB of the EPFL IMT-NE. His laboratory works also for video and audio compression algorithms and their implementation in low power integrated circuits.
Rachid GuerraouiRachid Guerraoui has been affiliated with Ecole des Mines of Paris, the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique of Saclay, Hewlett Packard Laboratories and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has worked in a variety of aspects of distributed computing, including distributed algorithms and distributed programming languages. He is most well known for his work on (e-)Transactions, epidemic information dissemination and indulgent algorithms.
He co-authored a book on Transactional Systems (Hermes) and a book on reliable distributed programming (Springer). He was appointed program chair of ECOOP 1999, ACM Middleware 2001, IEEE SRDS 2002, DISC 2004 and ACM PODC 2010.
His publications are available at Tiago André Pratas BorgesTiago P. Borges is an independent architect and researcher based in Lausanne.He is teaching assistant and researcher at the design studio EAST led by associated professors Anja and Martin Fröhlich. The laboratory develops research and design strategies for reuse, typological studies and typological transfer. He curated the 5x3 lecture series and the round table series since 2018. Previously he was teaching assistant at the design studio of Anne Lacaton and Jean Philippe Vassal (2010/2011) at EPFL. Tiago P. Borges is a contributor writer on architecture for different media and he was distinguished with the emerging critic award "Erstling" by the swiss magazine Werk, Bauen und Wohnen. In 2016 he co-curated the exhibition Still a matter of art - young swiss architecture at the Forum d'architectures de Lausanne. Recently he co-edited the book Plans and Images, published by Park Books.Since 2020 he's also curator-in-residence at Archizoom.
Loïc Vivien FumeauxLoïc Fumeaux was born in 1978 in Geneva. After a scientific degree, he joined the EPFL . He graduated as an architect in 2007 under the direction of Professors Jean- Paul Jaccaud and Bruno Marchand. His master's thesis was about sustainability integration from urban scale to the architectural details. This masters project was awarded with the SIA Prize and the Construction and sustainable development Prize (BG Ingénieurs Conseils).
In addition to his studies, Loïc develops independant activities and collaborated with LVBK Rotterdam and Lacroix- Chessex Geneva. In 2009 , he founded with Amélie Poncety . The office participates in many competitions and won the competition for the redevelopment of the Place de la Planta in Sion , currently under development .
In 2010, he became studio assistant at the LAST (Laboratory of architecture and sustainable technologies) headed by Prof. Emmanuel Rey. After a period dedicated to teaching he starts a PhD focused on the integration of sustainability criteria into the design process of temporary event infrastructures .
He is a member of the group of architects at SIA section Vaud and Treasurer of InterAssAr.
Sila KaratasSıla Karataş (1987, Ankara) was graduated as architect and awarded Master’s degree with the thesis “Building Marshall Plan in Turkey: The Formation of Workers’ Housing Question, 1946-1962” at the Middle East Technical University. In her thesis, she analyzed the formation of postwar workers’ housing discourse concerning the policy, planning and architecture of workers’ housing cooperatives within the framework of the ideological and spatial programming of the Marshall Plan and Americanization in Turkey. This research received Honourable Mention in 'Young Social Scientists Awards' of the Turkish Social Sciences Association. She worked as assistant and lecturer in Turkey between 2012-2019; took part in architectural and urban design studios as tutor and reviewer, gave Case Studies in Social Housing and Community Planning among other courses. Since September 2019, she is a PhD student and doctoral assistant at EPFL. Her PhD research concerns postwar workers’ housing programs of the Mediterranean countries participated in the Marshall Plan (France, Italy, Greece, Turkey), and is a comparative analysis of local models in relation to the transnational activity by the United States and multilateral organizations on postwar development, labour affairs and housing. This research is awarded a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for PhD and being funded by the Swiss Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists (FCS).
André Patrão Neves De Frias MartinsAndré Patrão is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the EPFL Lab of Architecture, Criticism, History, and Theory (ACHT), where he also obtained his PhD in 2020, under the supervision of Professor Christophe van Gerrewey. He previously undertook studies in the domains of both architecture and philosophy, having attained a Master of Philosophy - 2015, KU Leuven, Belgium - and a Master of Sustainable Urban Design - 2014, Lund University, Sweden - as well as Bachelor of Philosophy - 2013, KU Leuven, Belgium - and a Bachelor of Architecture - 2011, University of Lisbon. His main line of research deals precisely with the relation between architecture and philosophy, on the one hand applying it methodologically to engage some of the most critical contemporary issues of either discipline, and, amongst them, on the other hand addressing the very fact of these interactions as a topic in itself: why does architecture resort to philosophy?; why does philosophy talk about architecture?; how do they do so?; what comes about; what are the promises, problems, and potentials of such relation? These matters have been pursued through the development of comprehensive historical overviews and in-depth analysis of particular moments when architecture and philosophy interacted directly and consequentially, to understand how each discipline has, does, and can interact, as well as if, when, and why they ought to at all. Essential authors in this investigation have thus far included philosophers Martin Heidegger, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, and architects Kenneth Frampton, Rem Koolhaas, and Peter Eisenman, as well as numerous other authors with relevant contributions in the field.He has presented his work in numerous international conferences, and has lectured on these subjects to students at different academic levels, in various institutions, and in multiple languages. He has also been actively engaged in the organization of academic events, most recently the 5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture (2021) - in collaboration with Dr. Hans Teerds (ETHZ) and Dr. Christoph Baumberger (ETHZ).