Haute disponibilitéthumb|Exemple de cluster à haute disponibilité La haute disponibilité ou high availability (HA) est un terme souvent utilisé en informatique, à propos d'architecture de système ou d'un service pour désigner le fait que cette architecture ou ce service a un taux de disponibilité convenable. La disponibilité est aujourd'hui un enjeu important des infrastructures informatiques. Ces coûts se chiffrant en milliards d'euros à l'échelle d'un pays.
Global Descriptor TableLa Table globale de descripteurs (GDT : Global Descriptor Table en anglais) est une structure de données utilisée par les processeurs de la famille x86 (le premier à l'avoir utilisée est le Intel 80286) pour référencer les descripteurs de segment les plus utilisés par les processus. C'est une partie spéciale de la mémoire principale utilisée dans le mode protégé. Dans ce mode, au contraire du mode réel, on ne peut pas accéder comme on le désire à n'importe quelle portion de la mémoire.
Trusted computing baseThe trusted computing base (TCB) of a computer system is the set of all hardware, firmware, and/or software components that are critical to its security, in the sense that bugs or vulnerabilities occurring inside the TCB might jeopardize the security properties of the entire system. By contrast, parts of a computer system that lie outside the TCB must not be able to misbehave in a way that would leak any more privileges than are granted to them in accordance to the system's security policy.
Hybrid kernelA hybrid kernel is an operating system kernel architecture that attempts to combine aspects and benefits of microkernel and monolithic kernel architectures used in operating systems. The traditional kernel categories are monolithic kernels and microkernels (with nanokernels and exokernels seen as more extreme versions of microkernels). The "hybrid" category is controversial, due to the similarity of hybrid kernels and ordinary monolithic kernels; the term has been dismissed by Linus Torvalds as simple marketing.
Process stateIn a system, processes may occupy a variety of states. These distinct states may not be recognized as such by the operating system kernel. However, they are a useful abstraction for the understanding of processes. The following typical process states are possible on computer systems of all kinds. In most of these states, processes are "stored" on main memory. When a process is first created, it occupies the "created" or "new" state. In this state, the process awaits admission to the "ready" state.
Synchronisation (multitâches)En programmation concurrente, la synchronisation se réfère à deux concepts distincts mais liés : la synchronisation de processus et la synchronisation de données. La synchronisation de processus est un mécanisme qui vise à bloquer l'exécution de certains processus à des points précis de leur flux d'exécution, de manière que tous les processus se rejoignent à des étapes relais données, tel que prévu par le programmeur. La synchronisation de données, elle, est un mécanisme qui vise à conserver la cohérence des données telles que vues par différents processus, dans un environnement multitâche.
Memory protectionMemory protection is a way to control memory access rights on a computer, and is a part of most modern instruction set architectures and operating systems. The main purpose of memory protection is to prevent a process from accessing memory that has not been allocated to it. This prevents a bug or malware within a process from affecting other processes, or the operating system itself. Protection may encompass all accesses to a specified area of memory, write accesses, or attempts to execute the contents of the area.
Capability-based securityCapability-based security is a concept in the design of secure computing systems, one of the existing security models. A capability (known in some systems as a key) is a communicable, unforgeable token of authority. It refers to a value that references an object along with an associated set of access rights. A user program on a capability-based operating system must use a capability to access an object.
Chain loadingChain loading is a method used by computer programs to replace the currently executing program with a new program, using a common data area to pass information from the current program to the new program. It occurs in several areas of computing. Chain loading is similar to the use of overlays. Unlike overlays, however, chain loading replaces the currently executing program in its entirety. Overlays usually replace only a portion of the running program. Like the use of overlays, the use of chain loading increases the I/O load of an application.
Minix 3Minix 3 is a small, Unix-like operating system. It is published under a BSD-3-Clause license and is a successor project to the earlier versions, Minix 1 and 2. The project's main goal is for the system to be fault-tolerant by detecting and repairing its faults on the fly, with no user intervention. The main uses of the system are envisaged to be embedded systems and education. Minix 3 supports IA-32 and ARM architecture processors. It can also run on emulators or virtual machines, such as Bochs, VMware Workstation, Microsoft Virtual PC, Oracle VirtualBox, and QEMU.