Charismatic authority is a concept of leadership developed by the German sociologist Max Weber. It involves a type of organization or a type of leadership in which authority derives from the charisma of the leader. This stands in contrast to two other types of authority: legal authority and traditional authority. Each of the three types forms part of Max Weber's tripartite classification of authority.
"Charisma" is an ancient Greek term that initially gained prominence through Saint Paul's letters to the emerging Christian communities in the first century. In this context, it generally referred to a divinely-originating "gift" that demonstrated the authority of God within the early leaders of the Church. Max Weber took this theological notion and generalized it, viewing it as something that followers attribute, thereby opening it up for use by sociologists who applied it to political, military, celebrity, and non-Christian religious contexts. Other terms used are "charismatic domination" and "charismatic leadership".
Weber applies the term charisma to
[A] certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. These are such as are not accessible to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual concerned is treated as a leader ... How the quality in question would be ultimately judged from an ethical, aesthetic, or other such point of view is naturally indifferent for the purpose of definition.This definition, however, does not get to the crux of what charisma is, making the concept as defined by Weber unscientific and impossible to measure or to manipulate . In the modern era, psychologists have defined charisma in terms of its outcomes (i.e., charismatic leaders are highly effective). Whether from a Weberian or psychological conceptualization, it is problematic to not define a construct scientifically .
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Une secte est une communauté humaine dont les membres suivent avec rigueur une même doctrine religieuse, philosophique ou, plus rarement, politique. Appliqué à la réalité contemporaine, le terme, dont les significations et les connotations ont beaucoup évolué d'une époque et d'une société à l'autre, ne fait pas l'objet d'un consensus sémantique et encore moins d'une définition juridique universelle.
alt=|vignette|upright=1.8|Carte de l'indice de démocratie publiée par Economist Intelligence Unit en 2022 : plus le pays est en rouge, plus il est considéré comme autoritaire. Démocraties à part entière Démocraties imparfaites Régimes hybrides Régimes autoritaires Le terme autoritarisme peut désigner aussi bien un comportement individuel que le mode de fonctionnement d'une structure politique. Dans les deux cas, l'autoritarisme consiste en une prééminence, une hypertrophie de l'autorité, érigée en valeur suprême.
Selon le sociologue Max Weber, la domination est toujours légitime. Le concept de légitimité se rapporte ici à la notion de reconnaissance sociale. C'est socialement que se définit la légitimité. Dans un exemple simple, le voleur démontre qu'il légitime le droit et la justice dans son action de se cacher des policiers. Weber définit le pouvoir (Macht) comme la potentialité que la volonté d'un individu ou d'un groupe l'emporte sur un autre, lors des relations sociales : « la puissance (le pouvoir) a toute chance de faire triompher, dans une relation sociale, sa propre volonté, même contre des résistances ; peu importe sur quoi repose cette chance » .
Analyse les styles de leadership de personnalités influentes comme Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg et Jeff Bezos, explorant leurs approches visionnaires et leurs stratégies de gestion.
In this paper, we examine the learning mechanism of adaptive agents over weakly-connected graphs and reveal an interesting behavior on how information flows through such topologies. The results clarify how asymmetries in the exchange of data can mask local ...
Computational neuroscience is a branch of the neurosciences that attempts to elucidate the principles underlying the operation of neurons with the help of mathematical modeling. In contrast with a number of fields pursuing a tightly related goal, such as m ...
This paper examines the learning mechanism of adaptive agents over weakly connected graphs and reveals an interesting behavior on how information flows through such topologies. The results clarify how asymmetries in the exchange of data can mask local info ...