Intrapersonal communication is communication with oneself or self-to-self communication. Examples are thinking to oneself "I'll do better next time" after having made a mistake or having an imaginary conversation with one's boss because one intends to leave work early. It is often understood as an exchange of messages in which the sender and the receiver is the same person. Some theorists use a wider definition that goes beyond message-based accounts and focuses on the role of meaning and making sense of things. Intrapersonal communication can happen alone or in social situations. It may be prompted internally or occur as a response to changes in the environment. The term "autocommunication" is sometimes used as a synonym.
Intrapersonal communication encompasses a great variety of phenomena. A central type happens purely internally as an exchange within one's mind. Some researchers see this as the only form. In a wider sense, however, there are also types of self-to-self communication that are mediated through external means, like when writing a diary or a shopping list for oneself. For verbal intrapersonal communication, messages are formulated using a language, in contrast to non-verbal forms sometimes used in imagination and memory. One contrast among inner verbal forms is between self-talk and inner dialogue. Self-talk involves only one voice talking to itself. For inner dialogue, several voices linked to different positions take turns in a form of imaginary interaction. Other phenomena related to intrapersonal communication include planning, problem-solving, perception, reasoning, self-persuasion, introspection, and dreaming.
Models of intrapersonal communication discuss which components are involved and how they interact. Many models hold that the process starts with the perception and interpretation of internal and external stimuli or cues. Later steps involve the symbolic encoding of a message that becomes a new stimulus. Some models identify the same self as sender and receiver.
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Guided imagery (also known as guided affective imagery, or katathym-imaginative psychotherapy) is a mind-body intervention by which a trained practitioner or teacher helps a participant or patient to evoke and generate s that simulate or recreate the sensory perception of sights, sounds, tastes, smells, movements, and images associated with touch, such as texture, temperature, and pressure, as well as imaginative or mental content that the participant or patient experiences as defying conventional sensory ca
La communication non verbale (ou langage du corps) désigne tout échange n'ayant pas recours à la parole. Elle ne repose pas sur les mots (pratiques linguistiques), mais sur plusieurs champs extralinguistiques correspondant à des signaux sociaux ou catégories fonctionnelles, objets d'études de différentes disciplines : communication para-verbale (communication vocale comprenant les traits prosodiques, les onomatopées, le rire, la toux, et parfois distinguée de la communication non verbale) analysée par la , gestes (mouvements du corps, gestuelle, actions et réactions) et expressions faciales (dont les micro-expressions) étudiés par la kinésique et la gestique, contact visuel et rôle du regard (clin d'œil complice, regard désapprobateur ou sceptique.
Anthroposémiotique est un synonyme rare de communication humaine, formé dans les années 1970 sur les racines grecques anthropo, désignant l'espèce humaine, et sémio, désignant les signes. Un premier courant trouve ses racines contemporaines chez l'anthropologue Grégory Bateson qui a fondé au le courant de pensée connu en France sous le nom de Ecole de Palo Alto. Il est revisité au en France par Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec via le paradigme de l'"Ichnos-Anthropos" ("Homme-trace") qui analyse la perception et l'interprétation des signes par un humain dont la relation au monde est filtrée par un "corps-trace" non dualiste (corps et esprit).
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