
1160s in poetry

Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). Events Works published Births Death years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article. There are conflicting or unreliable sources for the birth years of many people born in this period; where sources conflict, the poet is listed again and the conflict is noted: 1160:
  • Gace Brulé (died 1213) (approx.), French trouvère
  • Alamanda de Castelnau (died 1223), trobairitz
  • Hélinand of Froidmont (died 1237), medieval poet, chronicler, and ecclesiastical writer in Latin
  • Fujiwara no Teika 藤原定家, also known as "Fujiwara no Sadaie" or "Sada-ie" (died 1241), a widely venerated, Japanese waka poet and (for centuries) extremely influential critic; also a scribe, scholar and extremely influential anthologist of the late Heian period and early Kamakura period; the Tale of Matsura is generally attributed to him; son of Fujiwara
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