
The Curse of Frank Black

"The Curse of Frank Black" is the sixth episode of the second season of the crime-thriller television series Millennium. It premiered on the Fox network in the United States on October 31, 1997. The episode was written by Glen Morgan and James Wong, and directed by Ralph Hemecker. "The Curse of Frank Black" featured a guest appearance from Dean Winters. Millennium centers on offender profiler Frank Black (Lance Henriksen), who investigates unusual crimes as part of the private investigative organisation the Millennium Group. In this episode, Black tries to spend Halloween with his daughter, but is continually reminded of a figure from his past. "The Curse of Frank Black", which was inspired by the 1964 Japanese horror film Kwaidan, has received positive reviews from critics, with its minimalist plot being seen as its main strength. On Halloween, Millennium Group member Frank Black (Lance Henriksen) is carving a jack-o'-lantern while preparing to take his daughter Jordan (Brittany Tiplady) trick-or-treating. As he leaves to collect her, he notices a demonic figure watching him from across the street. That night, Jordan deliberately passes by one house, telling Black that it is haunted. Black tells her there are no such thing as ghosts, but is reminded of a moment from his past. In a flashback, we see a five-year-old Black being dared by his friends to knock the door of the same house; a man named Crocell (Dean Winters) answers and invites Black inside. Crocell is a Second World War veteran, and he explains the meaning of Halloween to Black, telling the boy that it is the one night of the year that ghosts walk among the living. Crocell hopes that it is his chance to commune with the friends he lost in the war, and is dismayed when the young Black dismisses the possibility of ghosts. After bringing Jordan back to her mother, Catherine (Megan Gallagher), Black is driving home when he notices several youths egging a house—the house he once shared with Catherine and Jordan, and in which his friend Bob Bletcher was killed.
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