
Forests in Odisha

Odisha, one of the 28 states of India, has two basic kinds of forest: in the northeast region of the state the forest is classified as the tropical-moist-deciduous type, blanketing hills, plateaus and other high-altitude isolated areas; in the southwest the tropical-dry-deciduous variety dominate. Odisha's forests are vast. Out of the total geographical area of 155,707 km2, the State records 52,472 km2 (~33%) as some version of forest. The actual forest cover may be less, according to the Forest Survey of India, rosewood, sal, piasal, teak and haldi. The forest's naturally vigorous growth accounts for a tremendous wealth of biodiversity, filling many catalogues of the wild plant and animal species dwelling within. The state has declared large parcels of land as protected areas with the purpose being to allow animals and plants who are sensitive to cohabitation with humans places of relative freedom from interference and habitat loss. These protected areas constitute 10.37% of the total forest area and 4.1% of the total geographical area of the state. The state is home to 3000 plant species including 120 orchid species and 63 varieties of mangrove trees which make the state second largest mangrove ecosystem in India. A vast variety of other plants are also found in the state, as in the following: Acorous calamus Aegiceras corniculatus Alpinia galanga - greater galingal Androgaphis paniculata Asparagus racemosus - shatavari Cathraranthus roseus Celastrus paniculatus Centella asiatica Cissus quadranggularis Clerodendrum ssp. Colchicum autumnale - autumn crocus Commiphora wightii - Mukul myrrh Croton roxburghjii Curcuma angustifolia Digitalis purpurea - common foxglove Diogenin Emetin Ephedra ssp. Erythroxylon coca - coca Excoecaria agallochi Gloriosa superba Gugulipid Hemidesmus indicus Ocimum basilicum Plumbago zeylanica Pongamia pinnata Rauvolfia serpentina - Indian snakeroot Salvadora persica seagrass Taxus brevifolia - Pacific yew Toddalia asiatica Vinblastim areteminsinine Whighina somenifera The IUCN Red List has recorded a total of 473 species of birds and 86 species of mammals, 19 species of amphibians and 110 species of reptiles including three crocodilian species.
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