
Luciano Anceschi

Luciano Anceschi (luˈtʃaːno anˈtʃeski; February 20, 1911 in Milan – May 2, 1995 in Bologna) was an Italian literary critic and essayist. A pupil of Antonio Banfi, with whom he graduated in philosophy in 1933, he taught aesthetics at the Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy at the University of Bologna from 1952 to 1981. His interest in literature and the arts was always accompanied by that for the modern anti-dogmatic philosophy: after the publication of his graduation thesis "Autonomy and Heteronomy of art" published by Sansoni in 1936, his research on anti-idealistic literary figures and models found voice in comments published in Orpheus from 1932 and in Corrente di vita giovanile in 1938-1939, self promoted magazines. Sensitive to new cultural trends, he was in favor of Hermeticism and Neo avant garde, working at the same time as theorist and militant reviewer: he published the Saggi di poetica e poesia. Con una scheda sulla Swedenborg (1942) and edited the anthologies of Lirici nuovi (1943) and Lirica del Novecento (Lyrics for the 20th Century) (1953). He was the author of the article "Ermetismo" (Hermeticism) in the Enciclopedia del Novecento (Encyclopedia of the 20th Century) (1977). Focusing on cultural models forgotten by Neo-idealism, he devoted himself to the themes of the Baroque period, publishing in 1953 Del Barocco e altre prove and in 1960 Barocco e Novecento. Con alcune prospettive metodologiche (The Baroque and the 20th Century: With Methodological Perspectives). He never gave up his study of philosophy: in 1955 he wrote I presupposti storici e teorici dell’estetica kantiana (The Historical and Theoretical Presuppositions of the Kantian Esthetic), from 1965 D. Hume e i presupposti empirici dell’estetica kantiana (D. Hume and the Empirical Presuppositions of the Kantian Esthetic), from 1967 Burke e l’estetica dell’empirismo inglese (Burke and the Esthetics of English Empiricism) and from 1972 Da Bacone a Kant. Saggi di estetica (From Bacon to Kant: Essays in Esthetics).
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