
Adieu bazou

The Retire Your Ride (French: Adieu Bazou) program was a voluntary Canadian scrappage program created to reward Canadians for permanently retiring a vehicle made in 1995 or earlier for a wide range of rewards, such as a public transit pass or C300.TheprogramendedonMarch31,2011.ByJanuary2011,theprogramhadsurpasseditsoriginaltargetsandhadpermanentlyretiredover120,000vehiclesandreducedthousandsoftonnesofsmogformingemissions.TheprogramwasavailableinprovincesacrossCanada.SomeautomakershadstartedtheirowncomplimentaryautoretirementprogramswithrewardsontopofthefederalprogramsrewardsinanefforttoincreasevehiclesalesinCanada.OnJune4,2008theGovernmentofCanadaannouncedthe"NationalVehicleScrappageProgram",whichwouldcreateincentivesforresidentsofCanadatotradeintheirold,higherpollutingvehiclestopromotecleaneralternativesresultingincleanerairandahealthierenvironment.TheprogramstartedinFebruary2009withanewname,"RetireYourRide".ItwasinitiatedbytheGovernmentofCanada,theCleanAirFoundation,anditspartnerswiththegoaltogetpeopleshighpollutingvehiclesofftheroad,rewardingthepeoplefordoingso.Thevehiclesthataretradedarerecycledinanenvironmentfriendlyway.Theprogramaimstoretireatleast50,000vehiclesperyearuntilMarch31,2011.Vehiclesthatweremadein1995andolderthatareinrunningconditionandhavebeenregisteredandproperlyinsuredforthelastsixmonthsareeligiblefortheprogram.Rewardsforbringingthosevehiclesinincludeapublictransitpassoramembershiptoacarsharingprogram,300. The program ended on March 31, 2011. By January 2011, the program had surpassed its original targets and had permanently retired over 120,000 vehicles and reduced thousands of tonnes of smog-forming emissions. The program was available in provinces across Canada. Some automakers had started their own complimentary auto retirement programs with rewards on top of the federal program's rewards in an effort to increase vehicle sales in Canada. On June 4, 2008 the Government of Canada announced the "National Vehicle Scrappage Program", which would create incentives for residents of Canada to trade in their old, higher-polluting vehicles to promote cleaner alternatives resulting in cleaner air and a healthier environment. The program started in February 2009 with a new name, "Retire Your Ride". It was initiated by the Government of Canada, the Clean Air Foundation, and its partners with the goal to get people's high-polluting vehicles off the road, rewarding the people for doing so. The vehicles that are traded are recycled in an environment-friendly way. The program aims to retire at least 50,000 vehicles per year until March 31, 2011. Vehicles that were made in 1995 and older that are in running condition and have been registered and properly insured for the last six months are eligible for the program. Rewards for bringing those vehicles in include a public transit pass or a membership to a car-sharing program, 300 cash, or discounts on commuter bicycles. Some automotive companies (In January 2011: GM, Ford, Hyundai and Chrysler) offer an additional rebate off the purchase of a new vehicle. Some provinces offer different rewards, such as a charitable tax receipt. The program aims for vehicles built before 1995 because they produce roughly 19 times more air pollutants than newer cars and trucks.
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