In mathematics, in particular in homological algebra, a differential graded algebra is a graded associative algebra with an added chain complex structure that respects the algebra structure. TOC A differential graded algebra (or DG-algebra for short) A is a graded algebra equipped with a map which has either degree 1 (cochain complex convention) or degree −1 (chain complex convention) that satisfies two conditions: A more succinct way to state the same definition is to say that a DG-algebra is a monoid object in the . A DG morphism between DG-algebras is a graded algebra homomorphism which respects the differential d. A differential graded augmented algebra (also called a DGA-algebra, an augmented DG-algebra or simply a DGA) is a DG-algebra equipped with a DG morphism to the ground ring (the terminology is due to Henri Cartan). Warning: some sources use the term DGA for a DG-algebra. The tensor algebra is a DG-algebra with differential similar to that of the Koszul complex. For a vector space over a field there is a graded vector space defined as where . If is a basis for there is a differential on the tensor algebra defined component-wise sending basis elements to In particular we have and so One of the foundational examples of a differential graded algebra, widely used in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, is the Koszul complex. This is because of its wide array of applications, including constructing flat resolutions of complete intersections, and from a derived perspective, they give the derived algebra representing a derived critical locus. Differential forms on a manifold, together with the exterior derivation and the exterior product form a DG-algebra. These have wide applications, including in derived deformation theory. See also de Rham cohomology. The singular cohomology of a topological space with coefficients in is a DG-algebra: the differential is given by the Bockstein homomorphism associated to the short exact sequence , and the product is given by the cup product.
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Cours associés (22)
MATH-334: Representation theory
Study the basics of representation theory of groups and associative algebras.
MATH-506: Topology IV.b - cohomology rings
Singular cohomology is defined by dualizing the singular chain complex for spaces. We will study its basic properties, see how it acquires a multiplicative structure and becomes a graded commutative a
MATH-726: Working group in Topology I
The theme of the working group varies from year to year. Examples of recent topics studied include: Galois theory of ring spectra, duality in algebra and topology, and topological algebraic geometry.
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Séances de cours associées (73)
Cohomologie Real Projective Space
Couvre la cohomologie dans les espaces projectifs réels, en se concentrant sur les propriétés associatives et les structures algébriques.
Cohomologie : produit croisé
Explore la cohomologie et le produit croisé, démontrant son application dans des actions de groupe comme la conjugaison.
Monster Group : Représentation
Explore le groupe Monster, un groupe simple sporadique avec une théorie de représentation unique.
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Publications associées (34)

Multigraded algebras and multigraded linear series

Leonid Monin, Fatemeh Mohammadi, Yairon Cid Ruiz

This paper is devoted to the study of multigraded algebras and multigraded linear series. For an NsNs\mathbb {N}s-graded algebra AAA, we define and study its volume function FA:N+s -> RFA:N+sRF_A:\mathbb {N}_+s\rightarrow \mathbb {R}, which computes the ...


Zsolt Patakfalvi, Joseph Allen Waldron

We establish the Minimal Model Program for arithmetic threefolds whose residue characteristics are greater than five. In doing this, we generalize the theory of global F-regularity to mixed characteristic and identify certain stable sections of adjoint lin ...
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Concepts associés (16)
Espace gradué
En mathématiques, un espace gradué est un espace vectoriel ou plus généralement un groupe abélien muni d'une décomposition en somme directe de sous-espaces, indexée par un ensemble d'entiers (naturels ou relatifs) ou par un groupe cyclique. Une graduation est la donnée d'une telle décomposition. Une graduation facilite souvent les calculs, notamment en algèbre homologique, en ne travaillant qu'avec des éléments homogènes en chaque degré, ce qui permet par exemple de se ramener dans bien des cas à des espaces de dimension finie.
Monoïde (théorie des catégories)
La notion de monoïde ou d’objet monoïdal en théorie des catégories généralise la notion algébrique du même nom ainsi que plusieurs autres structures algébriques courantes. Il s'agit formellement d'un objet d'une catégorie monoïdale vérifiant certaines propriétés réminiscentes de celles du monoïde algébrique. Soit une catégorie monoïdale. Un triplet où M est un objet de la catégorie C ; est un morphisme appelé « multiplication » ; est un morphisme appelé « unité » ; est appelé monoïde lorsque les diagrammes suivants commutent : avec l'associativité, l'identité à gauche et l'identité à droite de la catégorie monoïdale.
Derived algebraic geometry
Derived algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics that generalizes algebraic geometry to a situation where commutative rings, which provide local charts, are replaced by either differential graded algebras (over ), simplicial commutative rings or -ring spectra from algebraic topology, whose higher homotopy groups account for the non-discreteness (e.g., Tor) of the structure sheaf. Grothendieck's scheme theory allows the structure sheaf to carry nilpotent elements.
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