CS-250: Algorithms IThe students learn the theory and practice of basic concepts and techniques in algorithms. The course covers mathematical induction, techniques for analyzing algorithms, elementary data structures, ma
MATH-106(f): Analysis IIÉtudier les concepts fondamentaux d'analyse et le calcul différentiel et intégral des fonctions réelles de plusieurs
CS-401: Applied data analysisThis course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and practical skills required to draw meaningful insights from a variety of data, with the help of the most acclaimed software tools in the dat
ME-213: Programmation pour ingénieurMettre en pratique les bases de la programmation vues au semestre précédent. Développer un logiciel structuré. Méthode de debug d'un logiciel. Introduction à la programmation scientifique. Introductio
MGT-416: Causal inferenceStudents will learn the core concepts and techniques of network analysis with emphasis on causal inference. Theory and
application will be balanced, with students working directly with network data th
PHYS-435: Statistical physics IIIThis course introduces statistical field theory, and uses concepts related to phase transitions to discuss a variety of complex systems (random walks and polymers, disordered systems, combinatorial o
CS-450: Algorithms IIA first graduate course in algorithms, this course assumes minimal background, but moves rapidly. The objective is to learn the main techniques of algorithm analysis and design, while building a reper
MATH-261: Discrete optimizationThis course is an introduction to linear and discrete optimization.
Warning: This is a mathematics course! While much of the course will be algorithmic in nature, you will still need to be able to p