Romuald HoudréCurriculum Vitae
Nommé Professeur Titulaire
Nommé Maître d'Enseignement et de Recherche
Rejoint le Laboratoire d'Optoélectronique Quantique LOEQ dirigé par le professeur B. Deveaud-Plédran
Adjoint scientifique à l'Institut de Photonique et d'Electronique Quantique IPEQ (ancien Institut de Micro et Optoélectronique), Laboratoire du professeur Ilegems.
Habilitation, université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6.
Chercheur invité à NTT, département d'Optoélectronique, (Atsugi, Japon) de mars à août 1997
Collaborateur scientifique à l'Institut de Micro et Optoélectronique IMO à l'école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, groupe du professeur Ilegems. Responsable de l'épitaxie par jets moléculaires (1988-1996), responsable de l'activité microcavités optiques (1996-2000).
Recherches au Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée à l'école Polytechnique (France).
Postdoc à l'université d'Illinois à Urbana-Champaign (U.S.A.) chez le professeur H.Morkoç dans le groupe d'épitaxie par jets moléculaires.
Thèse de doctorat sur la photoémission de puits quantiques et superréseaux en état d'affinité électronique négative au Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée, école Polytechnique (France) sous la direction de G.Lampel et C.Hermann.
Jean-Philippe AnsermetJean-Philippe Ansermet was born March 1, 1957 in Lausanne (legal origin Vaumarcus, NE). He obtained a diploma as physics engineer of EPFL in 1980. He went on to get a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where, from 1985 to 1987, he persued as post-doc with Prof. Slichter his research on catalysis by solid state NMR studies of molecules bound to the surface of catalysts. From 1987 to 1992 he worked at the materials research center of Ciba-Geigy, on polymers for microelectronics, composites, dielectrics and organic charge transfer complexes. In March 1992, as professor of experimental physics, he developed a laboratory on the theme of nanostructured materials and turned full professor in 1995. Since 1992, he teaches classical mechanics, first to future engineering students, since 2004 to physics majors. Since 2000, he teaches thermodynamics also, to the same group of students. He offers a graduate course in spintronics, and another on spin dynamics. His research activities concern the fabrication and properties of magnetic nanostructures produced by electrodeposition. His involvement since the early days of spintronics have allowed him to gain recognition for his work on giant magnetoresistance (CPP-GMR), magnetic relaxation of single nanostructures, and was among the leading groups demonstrating magnetization reversal by spin-polarized currents. Furthermore, his group uses nuclear magnetic resonance , on the one hand as means of investigation of surfaces and electrodes, on the other hand, as a local probe of the electronic properties of complex ferromagnetic oxides.
René SalathéRené Paul Salathé is Professor em. at EPFL since 2009. He is currently a technology consultant for several companies and he serves as an expert member of the Life Science team at the Swiss Innovation Agency (KTI/CTI) in Bern, on the scientific advisory board of the Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT in Aachen, and he participates on expert panels for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. He is a member of the Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy, the European Optical Society, the Optical Society of America, a senior member of the IEEE, and a life time member of the Swiss Physical Society.
René Paul Salathé received the MS, PhD, and Habilitation (Privatdozent) degrees at the University of Bern in 1970, 1974, and 1979, respectively. Prior to his appointment at EPFL in 1989, he was directing the division "Material Testing and Technology" at the research and development center of the Swiss PTT. He has been active in the fields of semiconductor lasers, fibers, integrated optics, laser processing, and biomedical optics. The results of his research activities have been published more than 250 scientific contributions and 37 PhD theses at EPFL. Several start-up companies have been founded based on patents elaborated in his laboratory and/or by his PhD students. His actual research interests are in the areas of laser tweezers in micro-fluidics for biochemical applications and in optical fiber sensor applications.
Christophe MoserChristophe Moser is Associate Professor of Optics and the Section Director in the Microengineering department at EPFL. He obtained his PhD at the California Institute of Technology in optical information processing in 2000. He co-founded and was the CEO of Ondax Inc (acquired by Coherent Inc.), Monrovia California for 10 years before joining EPFL in 2010. His current interests are ultra-compact endoscopic optical imaging through multimode fibers, multimode fiber lasers, retinal imaging and additive manufacturing via volumetric 3D printing with light. He is the co-founder of Composyt light lab in the field of head worn displays in 2014 (acquired by Intel Corp), Earlysight SA and Readily3D. He is the author and co-author of 75 peer reviewed publications and 45 patents.