
Maricruz Olivier

María de la Cruz Olivier Obergh (September 19, 1933 – October 10, 1984), known professionally as Maricruz Olivier, was a Mexican actress of film, television, and theater. She is best remembered for starring in the 1959 version of the telenovela Teresa, which was a success as it established her on-screen persona of playing villains. Early life Olivier was born María de la Cruz Olivier Obergh to Mercedes Shirley Obergh in the city of Tehuacán, Puebla. Olivier studied philosophy, literature, and acting for two years in the Academia Andrés Soler. Her film debut was in Esos de Penjamo in 1951, and her theatrical debut was in the play, Que no es cordero. Because of her participation in the 1955 play Santa Juana, Olivier became one of the most important young actresses of the decade. Film career Although Olivier was popularly known for playing vil
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