Jean-Claude BolaySince January 2020, Jean-Claude Bolay works as consultant, specialized in urban development in Southern countries and in scientific and academic international cooperation.Previously he was Director of the Cooperation & Development Center of EPFL (CODEV) and Professor at the Faculty of Natural, Architectural and Built Environment (ENAC). By training he is sociologist (bachelor) and political scientist (PhD from the University of Lausanne, Prize of the University of Lausanne). To reach his grade, he was awarded a scholarship from the Swiss National Foundation of Science and worked during 2 years in the postgrade Colegio de Mexico, in Mexico City (1982-83) and therefore in the Center for Latin American Studies of the UC Berkeley University, California (1984). From 1986 till 1989 he has been working as senior staff of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in the frame of a slum’ upgrading project of the World Bank and Cameroun Government in Duala, Cameroun. He was contracted by the EPFL in the frame of urban research projects in developing countries, becoming quickly the leader of several projects focused on urban upgrading actions, urban planning, social participation, urban environmental issues and governance in much diversified contexts as Burkina Faso, Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba, Ecuador, Vietnam, to cite some of them. He teaches at the master level in the Architecture section since 1995. In 2001 he was named by the President of the EPFL as responsible of the cooperation with emerging and developing countries’ partners, and therefore in 2005 as professor. He is presently leading a team of 25 scientific and administrative collaborators. He published more than 60 articles and edit several books on urban issues in developing countries as on development and scientific cooperation. He is also Director of the UNESCO Chair “Technologies for Development” and has organized 5 International Conference of the Chair focused on the links between research and operational implementation of development’ projects. Roland John TormeyI am a sociologist and learning scientist researching and teaching on engineering education. I'm particularly focused on the roles of emotion and self-regulation in engineering teaching and learning. My profile is accessible here.
Karl AbererCo-Founder of LinkAlong Sarl, 2017.Vice-president EPFL for Information Systems, 2012 –2016.Director of the Swiss National Centre for Mobile Information and Communication Systems NCCR MICS (, 2005 -2012.Member of the Swiss Research and Technology Council SWTR, consulting the Swiss Federal government, 2004 - 2011.
André-Gilles DumontAndré-Gilles Dumont est né en 1951 à la Brévine (NE). Il obtient en 1976 le diplôme d'ingénieur civil de l'EPFL.
Jusqu'en 1979, il est collaborateur d'un bureau d'ingénieurs et dirige la construction de divers bâtiments. Il entre ensuite au Laboratoire des voies de circulation (LAVOC) où il va développer une méthodologie d'essais en vraie grandeur des superstructures routières. Cette activité sera poursuivie au niveau international au sein de deux groupes d'experts scientifiques de l'OCDE.
Parallèlement au développement du LAVOC et à l'exécution de nombreux mandats pour des tiers, il est l'auteur de plusieurs recherches dans le domaine des matériaux granulaires et des bitumineux modifiés par des polymères.
En Suisse, il assume dès 1985 la présidence de la commission Technologie des matériaux de l'Union des professionnels suisses de la route puis, dès 1990, celle de la commission de coordination Exécution et entretien.
Depuis 1991, il est professeur et dirige le LAVOC. Il enseigne aux étudiants du génie civil et du génie rural, d'une part le tracé des voies de circulation et, d'autre part la construction et l'entretien des superstructures routières. Il mène également des recherches dans le domaine des propriétés des matériaux hydrocarbonés et de la modélisation des chaussées, comme dans celui de l'utilisation de la CAO pour l'élaboration des projets routiers et la prise en compte des facteurs environnementaux.
Gabriela Tejada GuerreroGabriela has extensive expertise in international cooperation in education, research and innovation. She joined EPFL as scientist at the Cooperation and Development Center (CODEV) where she led the EPFL Leading House Program (2014-2017) of the Swiss government, which upheld Swiss bilateral research cooperation with Brazil, India, Vietnam and Latin America. Her research focused on scientific diasporas and skilled migration with diverse international collaborations under her leadership. She worked at the University of Zurich, and the UNDP in Moldova and Geneva, and taught at the Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM). She was visiting researcher at the CES at Harvard University and the CIS at ETH Zurich. Gabriela obtained a BA in International Relations from the UIA (Ibero) in Mexico, and a PhD in Political Sciences from the UAB in Barcelona. She obtained a CAS IPA - International Policy and Advocacy of the D-MTEC, ETH Zurich (2019). Since 2020 Gabriela is Vice-President of the Swiss Commission for UNESCO (member since 2016), where she promotes science-society linkages and advocates for an inclusive development and dialogue through education, science and culture.Since May 2019, Gabriela is Academic Deputy at the Direction of the College of Humanities (CDH). She serves the Scholars at Risk program (SAR) at EPFL in an advisory capacity.
Luca Giovanni PattaroniSuite à une formation en Relations Internationales (Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Genève) et un DEA en sciences sociales (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris/Ulm), Luca Pattaroni a soutenu une thèse de sociologie en cotutelle (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris/ Université de Genève) sous la direction de Laurent Thévenot (EHESS) et Jean Kellerhals (Université de Genève). Après avoir occupé durant 5 ans un poste d'assistant à la Faculté de Droit (Université de Genève), il a été visiting scholar à lUniversité de Columbia (New York). Il travaille désormais au Laboratoire de Sociologie Urbaine (EPFL) et est associé au Groupe de Sociologie Politique et Morale de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (GSPM/EHESS). En 2011, il a été Professeur invité à l'Université Fédérale de Fluminense (Brésil). Ses recherches et publications portent sur les politiques urbaines et culturelles, l’habitat, les mouvements sociaux, les rythmes urbains et les grandes manifestation, l’évolution des modes de vie ainsi que, plus largement les enjeux du commun dans les villes contemporaines. Spécialiste des méthodes mixtes ainsi que de théorie sociologique et politique, il cherche à articuler une analyse fine du pluralisme des modes de vie et un questionnement sur les enjeux politiques et moraux de la composition dun monde commun.