Economic geology is concerned with earth materials that can be used for economic and industrial purposes. These materials include precious and base metals, nonmetallic minerals and construction-grade stone. Economic geology is a subdiscipline of the geosciences; according to Lindgren (1933) it is “the application of geology”. Today, it may be called the scientific study of the Earth's sources of mineral raw materials and the practical application of the acquired knowledge.
The study is primarily focused on metallic mineral deposits and mineral resources. The techniques employed by other earth science disciplines (such as geochemistry, mineralogy, geophysics, petrology, paleontology and structural geology) might all be used to understand, describe and exploit an ore deposit.
Economic geology is studied and practiced by geologists. Economic geology may be of interest to other professions such as engineers, environmental scientists and conservationists because of the far-reaching impact that extractive industries have on society, the economy and the environment.
The purpose of the study of economic geology is to gain understanding of the genesis and localization of ore deposits plus the minerals associated with ore deposits. Though metals, minerals and other geologic commodities are non-renewable in human time frames, the impression of a fixed or limited stock paradigm of scarcity has always led to human innovation resulting in a replacement commodity substituted for those commodities which become too expensive. Additionally the fixed stock of most mineral commodities is huge (e.g., copper within the earth's crust given current rates of consumption would last for more than 100 million years.) Nonetheless, economic geologists continue to successfully expand and define known mineral resources.
Mineral resource classification
Mineral resources are concentrations of minerals significant for current and future societal needs. Ore is classified as mineralization economically and technically feasible for extraction.
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Un géologue est une personne ayant obtenu un diplôme universitaire en géologie, ou effectuant professionnellement des recherches dans ce domaine, consistant à étudier toutes les caractéristiques des couches internes du globe terrestre (lithosphère) en interaction avec ses couches externes (atmosphère, hydrosphère, biosphère). Un géologue peut notamment se spécialiser en : pétrographie minéralogie cristallographie sédimentologie stratigraphie géologie structurale (dont la tectonique) géochimie planétologie paléontologie magmatologie volcanologie géophysique (sismologie, .
Mining in the engineering discipline is the extraction of minerals from underneath, open pit, above, or on the ground. Mining engineering is associated with many other disciplines, such as mineral processing, exploration, excavation, geology, and metallurgy, geotechnical engineering and surveying. A mining engineer may manage any phase of mining operations, from exploration and discovery of the mineral resources, through feasibility study, mine design, development of plans, production and operations to mine closure.
thumb|Carte du séisme de 2010 à Haïti. La géophysique est une discipline importante des sciences de la Terre. Elle concerne l’étude des caractéristiques physiques de la Terre, ou d'autres planètes, utilisant des techniques de mesures indirectes (gravimétrie, géomagnétisme, sismologie, radar géologique, résistivité apparente, etc.) La géophysique, à l'aide de valeurs de référence, se propose en se basant sur les caractéristiques géologiques, atmosphériques ou spatiales du domaine étudié, de valider un modèle mathématique issu de mesures faites sur le terrain ou de calculs.
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Les ingénieurs civils exercent leurs activités en constante interaction avec le sous-sol.
Le cours de géologie donne aux étudiants les bases en Géosciences nécessaires à une ingénierie bien intégrée d
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