MATH-225: Topology II - fundamental groupsOn étudie des notions de topologie générale: unions et quotients d'espaces topologiques; on approfondit les notions de revêtements et de groupe fondamental,et d'attachements de cellules et on démontre
MATH-220: Topology I - point set topologyA topological space is a space endowed with a notion of nearness. A metric space is an example of a topological space, where a distance function measures the concept of nearness. Within this abstract
MATH-688: Reading group in applied topology IThe focus of this reading group is to delve into the concept of the "Magnitude of Metric Spaces". This approach offers an alternative approach to persistent homology to describe a metric space across
MATH-502: Distribution and interpolation spacesThe goal of this course is to give an introduction to the theory of distributions and cover the fundamental results of Sobolev spaces including fractional spaces that appear in the interpolation theor
CS-308: Introduction to quantum computationThe course introduces the paradigm of quantum computation in an axiomatic way. We introduce the notion of quantum bit, gates, circuits and we treat the most important quantum algorithms. We also touch
CS-250: Algorithms IThe students learn the theory and practice of basic concepts and techniques in algorithms. The course covers mathematical induction, techniques for analyzing algorithms, elementary data structures, ma
MATH-512: Optimization on manifoldsWe develop, analyze and implement numerical algorithms to solve optimization problems of the form min f(x) where x is a point on a smooth manifold. To this end, we first study differential and Riemann