The student will learn state-of-the-art algorithms for solving differential equations. The analysis and implementation of these algorithms will be discussed in some detail.
The "Introduction to Applied Data Science" (I2ADS) course is aimed at students of all levels to train them in the core computer science software stack and techniques forming the pillars of open & repr
We teach the fundamental aspects of analyzing and interpreting computer languages, including the techniques to build compilers. You will build a working compiler from an elegant functional language in
This is an introductory course to computer security and privacy. Its goal is to provide students with means to reason about security and privacy problems, and provide them with tools to confront them.
Students learn several implementation techniques for modern functional and object-oriented programming languages. They put some of them into practice by developing key parts of a compiler and run time
The students will learn key numerical techniques for solving standard mathematical problems in science and engineering. The underlying mathematical theory and properties are discussed.
Learn how to design and implement reliable, maintainable, and efficient software using a mix of programming skills (declarative style, higher-order functions, inductive types, parallelism) and
The students learn the theory and practice of basic concepts and techniques in algorithms. The course covers mathematical induction, techniques for analyzing algorithms, elementary data structures, ma
L'objectif de ce cours est d'introduire les étudiants à la pensée algorithmique, de les familiariser avec les fondamentaux de l'Informatique et de développer une première compétence en programmation (
Understanding of the principles and applications of functional programming, the fundamental models of program
execution, application of fundamental methods of program composition, meta-programming thr