A multi-chip module (MCM) is generically an electronic assembly (such as a package with a number of conductor terminals or "pins") where multiple integrated circuits (ICs or "chips"), semiconductor dies and/or other discrete components are integrated, usually onto a unifying substrate, so that in use it can be treated as if it were a larger IC. Other terms for MCM packaging include "heterogeneous integration" or "hybrid integrated circuit". The advantage of using MCM packaging is it allows a manufacturer to use multiple components for modularity and/or to improve yields over a conventional monolithic IC approach. Multi-chip modules come in a variety of forms depending on the complexity and development philosophies of their designers. These can range from using pre-packaged ICs on a small printed circuit board (PCB) meant to mimic the package footprint of an existing chip package to fully custom chip packages integrating many chip dies on a high density interconnection (HDI) substrate. The final assembled MCM substrate may be done in one of the following ways: The substrate is a multi-layer laminated printed circuit board (PCB), such as those used in AMD's Zen 2 processors. The substrate is built on ceramic, such as low temperature co-fired ceramic The ICs are deposited on the base substrate using Thin Film technology. The ICs that make up the MCM package may be: ICs that can perform most, if not all of the functions of a component of a computer, such as the CPU. Examples of this include implementations of IBM's POWER5 and Intel's Core 2 Quad. Multiple copies of the same IC are used to build the final product. In the case of POWER5, multiple POWER5 processors and their associated off-die L3 cache are used to build the final package. With the Core 2 Quad, effectively two Core 2 Duo dies were packaged together. ICs that perform only some of the functions, or "Intellectual Property Blocks" ("IP Blocks"), of a component in a computer. These are known as chiplets. An example of this are the processing ICs and I/O IC of AMD's Zen 2-based processors.
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Concepts associés (17)
Hybrid integrated circuit
A hybrid integrated circuit (HIC), hybrid microcircuit, hybrid circuit or simply hybrid is a miniaturized electronic circuit constructed of individual devices, such as semiconductor devices (e.g. transistors, diodes or monolithic ICs) and passive components (e.g. resistors, inductors, transformers, and capacitors), bonded to a substrate or printed circuit board (PCB). A PCB having components on a Printed Wiring Board (PWB) is not considered a true hybrid circuit according to the definition of MIL-PRF-38534.
Microprocesseur multi-cœur
vignette|Un processeur quad-core AMD Opteron. vignette|L’Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 est un processeur double cœur. Un microprocesseur multi-cœur (multi-core en anglais) est un microprocesseur possédant plusieurs cœurs physiques fonctionnant simultanément. Il se distingue d'architectures plus anciennes (360/91) où un processeur unique commandait plusieurs circuits de calcul simultanés. Un cœur (en anglais, core) est un ensemble de circuits capables d’exécuter des programmes de façon autonome.
Le pont nord (en anglais northbridge) est, avec le pont sud (en anglais southbridge), une des deux puces du jeu de circuits (chipset) d’une carte mère, directement relié au microprocesseur et gérant les périphériques rapides, dont la mémoire. Le pont nord gère des communications entre le microprocesseur et les périphériques rapides tels que : la mémoire vive ; le bus AGP pour carte graphique ; les bus PCI Express pour les périphériques externes rapides dont les cartes graphiques ; le pont sud pour les périphériques lents.
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Cours associés (24)
EE-517: Bio-nano-chip design
Introduction to heterogeneous integration for Nano-Bio-CMOS sensors on Chip. Understanding and designing of active Bio/CMOS interfaces powered by nanostructures.
MICRO-621: MOOC: Micro and Nanofabrication (MEMS)
Micro- and nanofabrication can be taught to students and professionals by textbooks and ex-cathedra lectures, but the real learning comes from seeing the manufacturing steps as they happen. This MOOC
BIOENG-444: Advanced bioengineering methods laboratory
Advanced Bioengineering Methods Laboratories (ABML) offers laboratory practice and data analysis. These active sessions present a variety of techniques employed in the bioengineering field and matchin
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