
Baroness Gösta von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen

Baroness Gösta von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen (Freiin Gösta Julie Adelheid Marion Marie von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen; 26 January 1902 – 13 June 1996) was the mother of Prince Claus of the Netherlands, who was the Prince Consort of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, thus making her the mother-in-law of the former Dutch Queen. She is also the paternal grandmother of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, who is the current Dutch King. Early life Gösta was born at Döbeln, Kingdom of Saxony, German Empire (now Saxony, Germany), the second child and daughter of Baron George von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen (1869–1923), and his wife, Baroness Gabriele von dem Bussche-Ippenburg (1877–1973). Her father belonged to the Bussche-Haddenhausen branch of the Bussche family, her mother belonged to the Bussche-Ippenburg branch. Both descended from Clamor von dem Bussche (1532–1573). Her mother was the heir of Dötzingen estate near Hitzacker, which her maternal grandfather had inherited from t
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