EE-607: Advanced Methods for Model IdentificationThis course introduces the principles of model identification for non-linear dynamic systems, and provides a set of possible solution methods that are thoroughly characterized in terms of modelling as
ME-301: Measurement techniquesTheoretical and practical course on experimental techniques for observation and measurement of physical variables such as force, strain, temperature, flow velocity, structural deformation and vibratio
PHYS-117: Physics lab (metrology)Ce cours est une introduction pratique aux techniques de mesure classiques d'un laboratoire de physique ayant pour but de familiariser les étudiants avec l'acquisition de données, les capteurs, l'anal
PHYS-231: Data analysis for PhysicsCe cours présentera les bases de l'analyse des données et de l'apprentissage à partir des données, l'estimation des erreurs et la stochasticité en physique. Les concepts seront introduits théoriquemen
MICRO-424: Optics laboratories (autumn)This laboratory work allows students to deepen their understanding of optical instruments, optoelectronic devices and diagnostic methods. Students will be introduced in state of the art optical instru
HUM-281: Risk SavvyThis course is devoted to the psychology of risk (How do people make decisions in real-life situations characterized by risk and/or uncertainty?) and to risk competencies (How to make better decisions
PHYS-452: Radiation detectionThe course presents the detection of ionizing radiation in the keV and MeV energy ranges. Physical processes of radiation/matter interaction are introduced. All steps of detection are covered, as well
PHYS-204: Physics lab IIaCe cours pratique permet d'acquérir la connaissance des phénomènes physiques de base ainsi que de leurs applications, d'acquérir des connaissances concernant les méthodes d'observation et de mesure ai