
Becky Edelsohn

Rebecca Edelsohn, in contemporary sources often given as Becky Edelson, (1892–1973) was a Latvian-American anarchist and hunger striker who was jailed in 1914 for disorderly conduct during an Industrial Workers of the World speech. According to The New York Times, she was the first woman to attempt a hunger strike in the United States. Biography Edelsohn was born in 1892 in Riga, Russian Empire. Her family came to the United States when she was one or two years old. Later, she spent some time living in the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of New York. She was discharged from the orphanage on May 14, 1902. As a teenager, she lived in Emma Goldman's home. In 1906, after Alexander Berkman's release from prison, Edelsohn became his close companion and, the following year, his lover. She was arrested in 1906 at a meeting to discuss Leon Czolgosz. She was arrested again at an International Brotherhood Welfare Association meeting at Cooper Union on Lab
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