
Leopold of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel

Maximilian Julius Leopold of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Prince of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and nominal Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg (12 October 1752, Wolfenbüttel - 27 April 1785, Frankfurt (Oder)) was a Prussian major general and one of the few high officers in the armies of the late European Enlightenment , for whom the subordinate soldier was more than an expendable tool in the hands of the commanding officer. Princely charity towards soldiers and citizens and the circumstances of his death made Leopold famous. Early life Leopold was the 13th child and the youngest son of Duke Karl I of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel and his wife Philippine Charlotte of Prussia, a sister of the Prussian King Frederick II. He received his education from Enlightenment educators such as Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Jerusalem , Karl Christian Gärtner and Johann Arnold Ebert who influenced him greatly. His teachers brought Leopold to a simple religious piety that demanded an action-determined love fo
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