A valve amplifier or tube amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that uses vacuum tubes to increase the amplitude or power of a signal. Low to medium power valve amplifiers for frequencies below the microwaves were largely replaced by solid state amplifiers in the 1960s and 1970s.
Valve amplifiers can be used for applications such as guitar amplifiers, satellite transponders such as DirecTV and GPS, high quality stereo amplifiers, military applications (such as radar) and very high power radio and UHF television transmitters.
Until the invention of the transistor in 1947, most practical high-frequency electronic amplifiers were made using thermionic valves. The simplest valve (named diode because it had two electrodes) was invented by John Ambrose Fleming while working for the Marconi Company in London in 1904. The diode conducted electricity in one direction only and was used as a radio detector and a rectifier.
In 1906 Lee De Forest added a third electrode and invented the first electronic amplifying device, the triode, which he named the Audion. This additional control grid modulates the current that flows between cathode and anode. The relationship between current flow and plate and grid voltage is often represented as a series of "characteristic curves" on a diagram. Depending on the other components in the circuit this modulated current flow can be used to provide current or voltage gain.
The first application of valve amplification was in the regeneration of long distance telephony signals. Later, valve amplification was applied to the 'wireless' market that began in the early thirties. In due course amplifiers for music and later television were also built using valves.
The overwhelmingly dominant circuit topology during this period was the single-ended triode gain stage, operating in class A, which gave very good sound (and reasonable measured distortion performance) despite extremely simple circuitry with very few components: important at a time when components were handmade and extremely expensive.
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Présentation des principaux composants de base de l'électronique.
Analyse de circuits à base d'amplificateurs opérationnels.
Introduction aux circuits logiques élémentaires.
Principe de la conversion
Maîtriser des blocs fonctionnels nécessitant un plus haut niveau d'abstraction. Réalisation de fonctions électroniques de haut niveau exploitant les amplificateurs opérationnels.
The course covers the fundaments of bioelectronics and integrated microelectronics for biomedical and implantable systems. Issues and trade-offs at the circuit and systems levels of invasive microelec
Tube sound (or valve sound) is the characteristic sound associated with a vacuum tube amplifier (valve amplifier in British English), a vacuum tube-based audio amplifier. At first, the concept of tube sound did not exist, because practically all electronic amplification of audio signals was done with vacuum tubes and other comparable methods were not known or used. After introduction of solid state amplifiers, tube sound appeared as the logical complement of transistor sound, which had some negative connotations due to crossover distortion in early transistor amplifiers.
vignette|droite|Pédale d'effet Turbo Distortion, fabriquée par l'entreprise Boss. La distorsion est un effet audio utilisé dans la création de sons saturés et distordus, en compressant les pics du signal audio d'un instrument de musique électronique et en y ajoutant des partiels acoustiques. Un effet par distorsion est également appelé, à tort, , et s'applique principalement aux guitares électriques, mais peut également s'appliquer aux instruments de nombreux genres de musiques électroniques et à la .
L'intermodulation sert à désigner, en électronique analogique, un défaut de certains amplificateurs qui peut être particulièrement gênant pour les amplificateurs hautes fréquences destinés aux radiocommunications. Les phénomènes d'intermodulation concernent également des défauts de transducteurs, notamment électro-acoustiques, et des phénomènes vibro-acoustiques. Un amplificateur linéaire parfait restitue sur sa sortie un signal de plus grande amplitude, mais de même forme que le signal d'entrée.
Couvre la conception de circuits intégrés analogiques de faible puissance, en se concentrant sur les amplificateurs de transconductance opérationnels (OTA) et les amplificateurs opérationnels (OPAMP).
Explore les principes de conception OTA et OPAMP, l'analyse des petits signaux et les techniques de compensation pour la stabilité et la performance.
Explore la rétroaction négative dans les circuits analogiques, en se concentrant sur le gain désensibilisant, la réduction de la distorsion, le contrôle du bruit et l'extension de la bande passante.
The main objective of this project is to implement a power amplifier that can be used to drive a shapememory alloy (SMA) currently being developed by Ms. Marjan Ghorbani. The secondary objective is to make the device versatile enough such that other resear ...
Fundamental constraints imposing power-frequency trade-offs in conventional electronics have stimulated research on alternative technologies for millimeter-wave and sub-millimeter-wave applications. In this work, we use the picosecond threshold firing of n ...
Microchannel plates fabricated from hydrogenated amorphous silicon (AMCPs) are a promising alternative to conventional lead glass microchannel plates. Their main advantages lie in their cheaper and more flexible fabrication processes, allowing for adaptabl ...