Job satisfaction, employee satisfaction or work satisfaction is a measure of workers' contentedness with their job, whether they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision. Job satisfaction can be measured in cognitive (evaluative), affective (or emotional), and behavioral components. Researchers have also noted that job satisfaction measures vary in the extent to which they measure feelings about the job (affective job satisfaction). or cognitions about the job (cognitive job satisfaction). One of the most widely used definitions in organizational research is that of Edwin A. Locke (1976), who defines job satisfaction as "a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences" (p. 1304). Others have defined it as simply how content an individual is with their job; whether they like the job. It is assessed at both the global level (whether the individual is satisfied with the job overall), or at the facet level (whether the individual is satisfied with different aspects of the job). Spector (1997) lists 14 common facets: appreciation, communication, coworkers, fringe benefits, Job conditions, nature of the work, organization, personal growth, policies and procedures, promotion opportunities, recognition, security, and supervision. Hulin and Judge (2003) have noted that job satisfaction includes multidimensional psychological responses to an individual's job, and that these personal responses have cognitive (evaluative), affective (or emotional), and behavioral components. Job satisfaction scales vary in the extent to which they assess the affective feelings about the job or the cognitive assessment of the job. Affective job satisfaction is a subjective construct representing an emotional feeling individuals have about their job. Hence, affective job satisfaction for individuals reflects the degree of pleasure or happiness their job in general induces. Cognitive job satisfaction is a more objective and logical evaluation of various facets of a job.
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Concepts associés (26)
Satisfaction au travail
thumb|Un homme au travail La satisfaction au travail est un sujet théorique important de la sociologie du travail et a été définie de différentes manières. Elle peut tout d'abord se référer à la satisfaction pure et simple d'un individu face à son emploi, aux tâches qu'il entraîne, à la hiérarchie. D'autres pensent que cette vision est trop simpliste et qu'il faudrait voir dans la satisfaction au travail une étude psychologique multidimensionnelle de la manière dont l'emploi influe sur la vie d'un individu.
Job performance
Job performance assesses whether a person performs a job well. Job performance, studied academically as part of industrial and organizational psychology, also forms a part of human resources management. Performance is an important criterion for organizational outcomes and success. John P. Campbell describes job performance as an individual-level variable, or something a single person does. This differentiates it from more encompassing constructs such as organizational performance or national performance, which are higher-level variables.
Psychologie du travail et des organisations
La psychologie du travail et des organisations est une branche de la psychologie qui s'intéresse aux phénomènes psychiques et aux comportements des individus au travail. Plus concrètement, la psychologie du travail se préoccupe de questions telles que la santé et le bien-être au travail, l'accompagnement professionnel des salariés ainsi que les nouvelles formes de travail et nouveaux modèles d'activité apparus à la suite d'évolutions sociétales récentes.
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Cours associés (5)
CS-398: Project in computer science I
Travaux de recherche individuelle à effectuer pendant le semestre, selon les directives d'un professeur ou d'un assistant.
COM-307: Project in communication systems I
Travaux de recherche individuelle à effectuer pendant le semestre selon les directives d'un professeur ou d'un assistant.
HUM-387: How technology shapes the workplace of the future
Artificial intelligence, big data, and advances in computing power have triggered a technological revolution that may have enormous bearing on the workplace and the labor market. This course provides
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