
Atiyah algebroid

In mathematics, the Atiyah algebroid, or Atiyah sequence, of a principal -bundle over a manifold , where is a Lie group, is the Lie algebroid of the gauge groupoid of . Explicitly, it is given by the following short exact sequence of vector bundles over : It is named after Michael Atiyah, who introduced the construction to study the existence theory of complex analytic connections. It plays a crucial example in the integrability of (transitive) Lie algebroids, and it has applications in gauge theory and geometric mechanics. For any fiber bundle over a manifold , the differential of the projection defines a short exact sequence of vector bundles over , where the vertical bundle is the kernel of . If is a principal -bundle, then the group acts on the vector bundles in this sequence. Moreover, since the vertical bundle is isomorphic to the trivial vector bundle , where is the Lie algebra of , its quotient by the diagonal action is the adjoint bundle . In conclusion, the quotient by of the exact sequence above yields a short exact sequence of vector bundles over , which is called the Atiyah sequence of . Recall that any principal -bundle has an associated Lie groupoid, called its gauge groupoid, whose objects are points of , and whose morphisms are elements of the quotient of by the diagonal action of , with source and target given by the two projections of . By definition, the Atiyah algebroid of is the Lie algebroid of its gauge groupoid. It follows that , while the anchor map is given by the differential , which is -invariant. Last, the kernel of the anchor is isomorphic precisely to . The Atiyah sequence yields a short exact sequence of -modules by taking the space of sections of the vector bundles. More precisely, the sections of the Atiyah algebroid of is the Lie algebra of -invariant vector fields on under Lie bracket, which is an extension of the Lie algebra of vector fields on by the -invariant vertical vector fields. In algebraic or analytic contexts, it is often convenient to view the Atiyah sequence as an exact sequence of sheaves of local sections of vector bundles.
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