In computer science, primitive data types are a set of basic data types from which all other data types are constructed. Specifically it often refers to the limited set of data representations in use by a particular processor, which all compiled programs must use. Most processors support a similar set of primitive data types, although the specific representations vary. More generally, "primitive data types" may refer to the standard data types built into a programming language (built-in types). Data types which are not primitive are referred to as derived or composite. Primitive types are almost always value types, but composite types may also be value types. The most common primitive types are those used and supported by computer hardware, such as integers of various sizes, floating-point numbers, and Boolean logical values. Operations on such types are usually quite efficient. Primitive data types which are native to the processor have a one-to-one correspondence with objects in the computer's memory, and operations on these types are often the fastest possible in most cases. Integer addition, for example, can be performed as a single machine instruction, and some offer specific instructions to process sequences of characters with a single instruction. But the choice of primitive data type may affect performance, for example it is faster using SIMD operations and data types to operate on an array of floats. Integer (computer science) An integer data type represents some range of mathematical integers. Integers may be either signed (allowing negative values) or unsigned (non-negative integers only). Common ranges are: Floating-point arithmetic A floating-point number represents a limited-precision rational number that may have a fractional part. These numbers are stored internally in a format equivalent to scientific notation, typically in binary but sometimes in decimal. Because floating-point numbers have limited precision, only a subset of real or rational numbers are exactly representable; other numbers can be represented only approximately.
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Cours associés (32)
BIOENG-601: Python Bootcamp
An intensive, hands-on, pragmatic introduction to computer programming. Students learn basic concepts like data types, control structures, string processing, functions, input/output. They perform simu
AR-302(ao): Studio BA6 (Nagel and Theissen)
In the design studio, we take a critical look at aesthetically neglected and mono-functional industrial zones. For these places, we develop new types of mixed-use hybrid buildings that enrich and tran
CS-550: Formal verification
We introduce formal verification as an approach for developing highly reliable systems. Formal verification finds proofs that computer systems work under all relevant scenarios. We will learn how to u
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Séances de cours associées (236)
Conception de l'amplificateur différentiel
Couvre la conception d'un amplificateur différentiel avec des paramètres clés comme le gain et le courant de biais.
SVM : Généralisation & Confiance
Explore la généralisation de SVM, le manque de confiance dans les prédictions et le risque de faux positifs, en le comparant avec GMM et KNN.
C++ Bases de programmation
Couvre les bases de la programmation C++, y compris les types de données, l'organisation de la mémoire et l'évaluation de l'expression.
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Publications associées (243)

Capturing Types

Martin Odersky, Aleksander Slawomir Boruch-Gruszecki, Ondrej Lhoták

Type systems usually characterize the shape of values but not their free variables. However, many desirable safety properties could be guaranteed if one knew the free variables captured by values. We describe CC
New York2023

Who was afraid of Yuri Mikhailovich and why? (peculiarities of the reception of the Tartu version of structuralism after the 1960s)

Alexander Dmitriev

The paper discussed different types of reactions to the emergence of Yuri Lotman's structuralism in the Soviet Union after 1960 ...

Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning on Graphs

Sina Sajadmanesh

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for learning on graphs, demonstrating exceptional performance in various domains. However, as GNNs become increasingly popular, new challenges arise. One of the most pressing is the need to ensur ...
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Concepts associés (27)
Pointeur (programmation)
En programmation informatique, un pointeur est un objet qui contient l'adresse mémoire d'une donnée ou d'une fonction. C'est l'outil fondamental de l'adressage dit « indirect ». La notion de pointeur reflète l'utilisation différente que l'on peut faire d'un entier naturel, à savoir indiquer une adresse mémoire. Cette utilisation est très différente d'une utilisation arithmétique, d'où la création de registres de processeurs spécifiques (les registres d'adresse) et d'un type de donnée spécifique dans les langages de programmations.
vignette|George Boole (1864-1865) L'homme ayant mis en place la première structure algébrique utilisée en logique mathématique, en informatique et en électronique. En programmation informatique, un booléen est un type de variable à deux états (généralement notés vrai et faux), destiné à représenter les valeurs de vérité de la logique et l'algèbre booléenne. Il est nommé ainsi d'après George Boole, fondateur dans le milieu du de l'algèbre portant son nom. Le type de données booléen est principalement associé à des états conditionnels.
Enregistrement (structure de données)
En programmation, un enregistrement est une structure de données qui rassemble plusieurs champs, ceux-ci contenant des valeurs qui peuvent être de types différents. Typiquement, le nombre de champ et leur séquence sont fixés. Les champs d'un enregistrement peuvent aussi être nommés "membres", en particulier dans la programmation orientée objet. Les champs peuvent encore être appelés "éléments", mais cela entraîne un risque de confusion avec les éléments d'une collection.
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MOOCs associés (25)
Parallelism and Concurrency
(merge of parprog1, scala-reactive, scala-spark-big-data)
Functional Programming
In this course you will discover the elements of the functional programming style and learn how to apply them usefully in your daily programming tasks. You will also develop a solid foundation for rea
Functional Programming Principles in Scala [retired]
This advanced undergraduate programming course covers the principles of functional programming using Scala, including the use of functions as values, recursion, immutability, pattern matching, higher-
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