ChE-459: Process developmentThrough a project, this course will introduce the critical steps in developing a chemical process in the context of industry decarbonisation, from the lab to industrial scale.
AR-659: Minoring architectural researchA theoretical and practical reflection on the possibilities, positions and methodologies of a minor approach to architectural research will reveal key concepts and tools to establish a critical positi
HUM-238: Philosophy of scienceCe cours propose d'identifier et comprendre les débats et problèmes centraux en philosophie des sciences, p.ex. le débat concernant les différents modèles de l'explication scientifique. Evaluer et com
ChE-309: Chemical engineering practiceCe cours fournit aux étudiants l'expérience pratique avec les "opérations unitaires" simples basées sur le transfert de chaleur et de masse. Les étudiants développent la capacité d'augmenter l'échelle
PHYS-597: Specialisation semesterStudents have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a project contributing to specialize them in a physics field. The project can take place in a laboratory at EPFL, in an external laboratory or
BIOENG-600: Monthly IBI-EDBB Mini-symposiaTo expose EDBB students to research in Bioengineering through attendance of lecture series given by EDBB students and external speakers. The objectives are to broaden the knowledge of students in the