A data processing unit (DPU) is a programmable computer processor that tightly integrates a general-purpose CPU with network interface hardware. Sometimes they are called "IPUs" (for "infrastructure processing unit") or "SmartNICs". They can be used in place of traditional NICs to relieve the main CPU of complex networking responsibilities and other "infrastructural" duties; although their features vary, they may be used to perform encryption/decryption, serve as a firewall, handle TCP/IP, process HTTP requests, or even function as a hypervisor or storage controller. These devices can be attractive to cloud computing providers whose servers might otherwise spend a significant amount of CPU time on these tasks, cutting into the cycles they can provide to guests.
Jan Skaloud, Davide Antonio Cucci
Demetri Psaltis, Christophe Moser, Navid Borhani, Eirini Kakkava