
The Bateman School

The Bateman School was a well known private school located in Chicago's "Gold Coast." From 1950 onward, the school was housed in the historic Patterson-McCormick Mansion. The school closed doors in the mid-1970s by financial pressures. The Bateman School was founded at 1106 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, in 1937, when the director, Miss Alice C Bateman, graduated from Northwestern University. The school was co-educational and non-sectarian and had policies based on democratic principles. Five students attended the first day school when it opened at 1106 Lake Shore Drive. 1000 Lake Shore Drive As enrollment increased, the school was moved in 1941 to 1000 Lake Shore Drive to accommodate over 300 students. At the close of the first year at the new location, the parents requested that a high school be added, and it was agreed that the Director would add a year of high school each successive year. In 1949 the school graduated its first senior high class of fourteen students. All th
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