MATH-310: AlgebraThis is an introduction to modern algebra: groups, rings and fields.
MATH-328: Algebraic geometry I - CurvesAlgebraic geometry is the common language for many branches of modern research in mathematics. This course gives an introduction to this field by studying algebraic curves and their intersection theor
AR-659: Minoring architectural researchA theoretical and practical reflection on the possibilities, positions and methodologies of a minor approach to architectural research will reveal key concepts and tools to establish a critical positi
MATH-317: Algebra V - Galois theoryGalois theory lies at the interface of Field Theory and Group Theory. It aims to describe the algebraic symmetries of fields. We will focus on Galois theory for finite field extensions and some applic
EE-336: Electronic circuits and systemsCe cours présente l'analyse et la conception des circuits et systèmes électroniques sous forme discrète et intégrée. L'accent est mis sur les applications dans le domaine des télécommunications et dat