BIO-603(LG): Practical - LaManno LabGive students a feel for how single-cell genomics datasets are analyzed from raw data to data interpretation. Different steps of the analysis will be demonstrated and the most common statistical and b
BIO-410: Bioimage informaticsThe course provides a comprehensive overview of methods, algorithms, and computer tools used in bioimage analysis. It exposes fundamental concepts and practical computer solutions to extract quantitat
DH-412: History and the digitalThe course presents a number of computational approaches & tools that can be used to study history. Drawing on case studies from the history of science & technology, the course also offers students th
CH-200: Practical programming in ChemistryThis course offers a comprehensive, practical introduction to computer programming tailored for chemists and chemical engineers. Python is the main language used throughout the course.
AR-201(q): Studio BA3 (Assemble)The work this year will investigate how we can imagine, design and demonstrate the ways in which affordable, low-impact housing on small scale agroecological farms could be built.
HUM-474: Press and digital history IAu croisement de l'histoire numérique, des médias et de l'histoire publique, ce cours s'intéresse à la production, diffusion et conservation de l'information. Les étudiant·es apprendront à porter un r
MATH-516: Applied statisticsThe course will provide an overview of everyday challenges in applied statistics through case studies. Students will learn how to use core statistical methods and their extensions, and will use comput
MSE-671: Computation, Modeling and VisualizationThe student has been exposed to the use of modelling, coding, and visualization as a means to understand a research problem more deeply.
The student will have experience in symbolic and numerical of M