MATH-352: Causal thinkingThis course will give a unified presentation of modern methods for causal inference. We focus on concepts, and we will present examples and ideas from various scientific disciplines, including medicin
MATH-336: Randomization and causationThis course covers formal frameworks for causal inference. We focus on experimental designs, definitions of causal models, interpretation of causal parameters and estimation of causal effects.
MATH-655: Advanced methods for causal inferenceThis course covers recent methodology for causal inference in settings with time-varying exposures (longitudinal data) and causally connected units (interference). We will consider theory for identifi
MGT-581: Introduction to econometricsThe course provides an introduction to econometrics for economics and financial applications. The objective is to learn how to make valid (i.e., causal) inference from economic and social data.
EE-205: Signals and systems (for EL)Ce cours pose les bases d'un concept essentiel en ingénierie : la notion de système. Plus spécifiquement, le cours présente la théorie des systèmes linéaires invariants dans le temps (SLIT), qui sont
MGT-416: Causal inferenceStudents will learn the core concepts and techniques of network analysis with emphasis on causal inference. Theory and
application will be balanced, with students working directly with network data th
CS-401: Applied data analysisThis course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and practical skills required to draw meaningful insights from a variety of data, with the help of the most acclaimed software tools in the dat