
Clarence John Boettiger

Clarence John Boettiger (March 25, 1900 – October 31, 1950) was an American journalist and military officer. He was the second husband of Anna Roosevelt, the daughter and first child of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Early life Clarence John Boettiger was born in Chicago on , to Adam C. Boettiger, a banker, and Dora Ott. In his high school years, he started going by his middle name. He began his career in journalism as a police reporter for the City News Bureau. He joined the Chicago Tribune in 1923 and was assigned to Washington, D.C., to cover President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he first campaigned for the presidency in 1932. The Tribune was fiercely anti-Roosevelt. Boettiger met FDR's daughter, Anna Roosevelt Dall, on her father's campaign train. She was recently separated from her husband Curtis Bean Dall, and was living in the White House with her two children Eleanor and Curtis. On January 18, 1935, Boettiger and Roosevelt Dall were
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