In abstract algebra, a dualizing module, also called a canonical module, is a module over a commutative ring that is analogous to the canonical bundle of a smooth variety. It is used in Grothendieck local duality.
A dualizing module for a Noetherian ring R is a finitely generated module M such that for any maximal ideal m, the R/m vector space Ext(R/m,M) vanishes if n ≠ height(m) and is 1-dimensional if n = height(m).
A dualizing module need not be unique because the tensor product of any dualizing module with a rank 1 projective module is also a dualizing module. However this is the only way in which the dualizing module fails to be unique: given any two dualizing modules, one is isomorphic to the tensor product of the other with a rank 1 projective module.
In particular if the ring is local the dualizing module is unique up to isomorphism.
A Noetherian ring does not necessarily have a dualizing module. Any ring with a dualizing module must be Cohen–Macaulay. Conversely if a Cohen–Macaulay ring is a quotient of a Gorenstein ring then it has a dualizing module. In particular any complete local Cohen–Macaulay ring has a dualizing module. For rings without a dualizing module it is sometimes possible to use the dualizing complex as a substitute.
If R is a Gorenstein ring, then R considered as a module over itself is a dualizing module.
If R is an Artinian local ring then the Matlis module of R (the injective hull of the residue field) is the dualizing module.
The Artinian local ring R = k[x,y]/(x2,y2,xy) has a unique dualizing module, but it is not isomorphic to R.
The ring Z[] has two non-isomorphic dualizing modules, corresponding to the two classes of invertible ideals.
The local ring k[x,y]/(y2,xy) is not Cohen–Macaulay so does not have a dualizing module.
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Singular cohomology is defined by dualizing the singular chain complex for spaces. We will study its basic properties, see how it acquires a multiplicative structure and becomes a graded commutative a
In algebraic geometry, local cohomology is an algebraic analogue of relative cohomology. Alexander Grothendieck introduced it in seminars in Harvard in 1961 written up by , and in 1961-2 at IHES written up as SGA2 - , republished as . Given a function (more generally, a section of a quasicoherent sheaf) defined on an open subset of an algebraic variety (or scheme), local cohomology measures the obstruction to extending that function to a larger domain.
In commutative algebra, a Gorenstein local ring is a commutative Noetherian local ring R with finite injective dimension as an R-module. There are many equivalent conditions, some of them listed below, often saying that a Gorenstein ring is self-dual in some sense. Gorenstein rings were introduced by Grothendieck in his 1961 seminar (published in ). The name comes from a duality property of singular plane curves studied by (who was fond of claiming that he did not understand the definition of a Gorenstein ring).
thumb|Dual d'un cube : un octaèdre. En mathématiques, le mot dualité a de nombreuses utilisations. Une dualité est définie à l'intérieur d'une famille d'objets mathématiques, c'est-à-dire qu'à tout objet de on associe un autre objet de . On dit que est le dual de et que est le primal de . Si (par = on peut sous-entendre des relations d'isomorphies complexes), on dit que est autodual. Dans de nombreux cas de dualité, le dual du dual est le primal. Ainsi, par exemple, le concept de complémentaire d'un ensemble pourrait être vu comme le premier des concepts de dualité.