The modern techniques and methods to measure snow properties in the field and in the laboratory are introduced by specialists in the corresponding field. The methods are applied in the field and in th
Introduction to the different contrast enhancing methods in optical microscopy. Basic hands-on experience with optical microscopes at EPFL's BioImaging and Optics Facility. How to investigate biologic
The principles of 3D surface (SEM) reconstruction and its limitations will be explained. 3D volume reconstruction and tomography methods by electron microscopy (SEM/FIB and TEM) will be explained and
Machine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in sciences including physics. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced and practi
This course provides a broad introduction into materials research using synchrotron X-rays, neutrons and myons. After an introduction into large scale facilities, we will dive into the different metho
Ce cours d'introduction à la microscopie a pour but de donner un apperçu des différentes techniques d'analyse de la microstructure et de la composition des matériaux, en particulier celles liées aux m
The course's objectivs are: Learning several advenced methods in experimental physics, and critical reading of experimental papers.
The most important clinical diagnostic and therapeutic applications of light will be described. In addition, this course will address the principles governing the interactions between light and biolog
The course deals with the concept of measuring in different domains, particularly in the electrical, optical, and microscale domains. The course will end with a perspective on quantum measurements, wh