Au cours de deux semestres, vous utilisez la biologie moléculaire, la biologie cellulaire ainsi que la biochimie pour cloner un ADNc dans un plasmide d'expression, afin de produire, purifier et caract
Telomere biology.
The students will obtain theoretical and practical insight into telomere biology and the roles of telomeres during cellular senescence and for genome stability.
A 7-week long (4+8 h) experiment where you plan and construct a fluorescent sensor protein starting from DNA bricks. The protein will be expressed in and purified from E.coli, characterized by bioche
Sitting at the crossroad of organic chemistry and medicine, this course outlines how an initial hit compound transitions into a lead candidate, and ultimately a drug, in the modern drug discovery worl
Presentation of selected signalling pathways with emphasis on both the mechanism of action of the molecules involved, molecular interactions and the role of their spatio-temporal organization within t
The aim of this course is two-fold:
i) to describe the molecular properties of some important drug targets
ii) to illustrate some applications of drugs active at the nervous system
This course introduces the basic principles of bioprocess engineering and highlights the similarities and differences with chemical engineering. Without going into the fundamentals, it proposes an ove
The goal of this course is to illustrate how modern principles of basic science approaches are integrated into the major
biomedical imaging modalities of importance to biology and medicine, with an em
La première partie du cours décrit les méthodes classiques de synthèse asymétrique. La seconde partie du cours traite des stratégies de rétrosynthèse basées sur l'approche par disconnection.
Les constituants biochimiques de l'organisme, protéines, glucides, lipides, à la lumière de l'évolution des concepts et des progrès en biologie moléculaire et génétique, sont étudiés.