Cotton-spinning machinery is machines which process (or spin) prepared cotton roving into workable yarn or thread. Such machinery can be dated back centuries. During the 18th and 19th centuries, as part of the Industrial Revolution cotton-spinning machinery was developed to bring mass production to the cotton industry. Cotton spinning machinery was installed in large factories, commonly known as cotton mills.
Spinning wheel
The spinning wheel was invented in the Islamic world by 1030. It later spread to China by 1090, and then spread from the Islamic world to Europe and India by the 13th century.
Until the 1740s all spinning was done by hand using a spinning wheel. The state of the art spinning wheel in England was known as the Jersey wheel however an alternative wheel, the Saxony wheel was a double band treadle spinning wheel where the spindle rotated faster than the traveller in a ratio of 8:6, drawing on both was done by the spinners fingers.
In 1738 Lewis Paul and John Wyatt of Birmingham patented the Roller Spinning machine and the flyer-and-bobbin system, for drawing cotton to a more even thickness, using two sets of rollers that travelled at different speeds. This principle was the basis of Richard Arkwright's later water frame design. By 1742 Paul and Wyatt had opened a mill in Birmingham which used their new rolling machine powered by a donkey, this was not profitable and soon closed. A factory was opened in Northampton in 1743, with fifty spindles turning on five of Paul and Wyatt's machines, proving more successful than their first mill; this operated until 1764.
Lewis Paul invented the hand-driven carding machine in 1748. A coat of wire slips were placed around a card, which was then wrapped around a cylinder. Lewis' invention was later developed and improved by Richard Arkwright and Samuel Crompton, although the design came under suspicion after a fire at Daniel Bourn's factory in Leominster which used Paul and Wyatt's spindles. Bourn produced a similar patent in the same year.
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Ring spinning is a spindle-based method of spinning fibres, such as cotton, flax or wool, to make a yarn. The ring frame developed from the throstle frame, which in its turn was a descendant of Arkwright's water frame. Ring spinning is a continuous process, unlike mule spinning which uses an intermittent action. In ring spinning, the roving is first attenuated by using drawing rollers, then spun and wound around a rotating spindle which in its turn is contained within an independently rotating ring flyer.
L’un des premiers développements de la Révolution industrielle concerne les changements dans l’industrie textile en Grande-Bretagne. La Révolution industrielle a commencé par la croissance de la production textile qui s’est produite au milieu des années 1700. Cette croissance a été encouragée par trois phénomènes. Premièrement, il y avait déjà une production textile organisée, fondement pour élaborer un système beaucoup plus efficace. La seconde est l’augmentation de la production de coton à cause de l'esclavage américain qui permet une production à moindre coût.
La mule-jenny , comme son nom mule l’indique, une machine hybride, résultant de la combinaison de deux types antérieurs distincts : la water frame et la spinning jenny. La désignation mule se comprend mieux lorsque l’on sait que le mot anglais jenny, en plus d’être un prénom féminin, désigne aussi l’ânesse ; les Anglais eux-mêmes, au demeurant, préfèrent au terme de mule jenny celui de spinning mule. La graphie mull-jenny, utilisée çà et là en français, mais dénuée de sens, .
Graphene/cotton fibers show significant promise in wearable energy storage due to their low cost, porous structure, and exceptional integration ability into wearable systems. However, the eco-unfriendly reductants and standalone electric double-layer capac ...
First enantiomerically pure alleno-acetylenic macrocycles were synthesized. The origin of the main CD band proposed by calcns. was found to be in accordance with the exptl. conclusion obtained from the g-factor plot. The unique combination of geometric and ...
Cotton fibers, a natural cellulose, have played a critical role in the development of wearable energy storage, owning to their wearability, integrability, eco-benignity, and cost effectiveness. Graphene, a two-dimensional carbon material, possesses excelle ...