Strategic thinking is a mental or thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving a goal or set of goals. As a cognitive activity, it produces thought. When applied in an organizational strategic management process, strategic thinking involves the generation and application of unique business insights and opportunities intended to create competitive advantage for a firm or organization. It can be done individually, as well as collaboratively among key people who can positively alter an organization's future. Group strategic thinking may create more value by enabling a proactive and creative dialogue, where individuals gain other people's perspectives on critical and complex issues. This is regarded as a benefit in highly competitive and fast-changing business landscapes. There is a generally accepted definition for strategic thinking, a common agreement as to its role or importance, and a standardised list of key competencies of strategic thinkers. There is also a consensus on whether strategic thinking is an uncommon ideal or a common and observable property of strategy. It includes finding and developing a strategic foresight capacity for an organization, by exploring all possible organizational futures, and challenging conventional thinking to foster decision making today. Research on strategic thought indicates that the critical strategic question is not the conventional "What?", but "Why?" or "How?". The work of Henry Mintzberg and other authors, further support the conclusion; and also draw a clear distinction between strategic thinking and strategic planning, another important strategic management thought process. General Andre Beaufre wrote in 1963 that strategic thinking "is a mental process, at once abstract and rational, which must be capable of synthesizing both psychological and material data. The strategist must have a great capacity for both analysis and synthesis; analysis is necessary to assemble the data on which he makes his diagnosis, synthesis in order to produce from these data the diagnosis itself—and the diagnosis in fact amounts to a choice between alternative courses of action.
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Concepts associés (5)
Concept-driven strategy
A concept-driven strategy is a process for formulating strategy that draws on the explanation of how humans inquire provided by linguistic pragmatic philosophy. This argues that thinking starts by selecting (explicitly or implicitly) a set of concepts (frames, patterns, lens, principles, etc.) gained from our past experiences. These are used to reflect on whatever happens, or is done, in the future. Concept-driven strategy therefore starts from agreeing and enacting a set of strategic concepts (organizing principles) that "works best" for an organisation.
D'après le TLFi, la stratégie est un . Son but est d'atteindre le ou les objectifs fixés par la politique (l'idée générale) en utilisant au mieux les moyens à disposition. Initiée par l'art militaire, la stratégie se décline dans de nombreux domaines d'affrontement ou de compétition tels que les entreprises en management et en marketing,la psychologie (notamment la manipulation mentale ou la séduction), l’économie, la diplomatie, l'écologie, les jeux de stratégie comme les échecs, le jeu de go ou le poker Elle se distingue de la tactique, en ce sens qu'elle concerne des objectifs à moyen ou à long terme tels que la victoire d'une guerre ou une politique diplomatique particulière, alors que la tactique concerne des objectifs à court terme tels que la victoire dans une bataille.
Strategic thinking
Strategic thinking is a mental or thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving a goal or set of goals. As a cognitive activity, it produces thought. When applied in an organizational strategic management process, strategic thinking involves the generation and application of unique business insights and opportunities intended to create competitive advantage for a firm or organization. It can be done individually, as well as collaboratively among key people who can positively alter an organization's future.
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Cours associés (16)
MGT-400: Corporate strategy
Why are some firms more successful than others? This is the fundamental question of strategy. A key concern of managers is the complex and uncertain relationship between the firm, its strategy, its pe
MGT-487: Complex problem solving in organizations
As a professional you will face unfamiliar challenges that you will need to overcome swiftly. In short, you'll need to think strategically. This course develops your strategic thinking by giving you a
ENG-632: Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification and Exploitation
This course focuses on the process of linking technology to market opportunities. Students will gain theoretical and practical knowhow on the process of market opportunity identification and evaluatio
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Séances de cours associées (117)
Identification des opportunités
Se penche sur l'identification, l'évaluation et le choix des meilleures opportunités pour la création d'entreprise.
Ensemble d’opportunités de marché : choix stratégiques en matière d’innovation
Explore la génération d'une opportunité de marché pour des choix stratégiques en matière d'innovation.
L'enseignement exécutif de l'EPFL : vue d'ensemble
Il donne un aperçu de l'enseignement exécutif de l'EPFL, mettant l'accent sur l'innovation, l'apprentissage pratique, la diversité des facultés et les idées d'un ancien étudiant de l'EMBA.
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