
Lajos Jánossy

Lajos Jánossy (2 March 1912, Budapest – 2 March 1978, Budapest) was a Hungarian physicist, astrophysicist and mathematician and a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His primary research fields were astrophysics, nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, mathematical physics, and statistics, as well as electrodynamics and optics. Biography Jánossy was the adopted son of influential Marxist philosopher and politician György Lukács (1885–1971). He was also the brother of the economist and engineer Ferenc Jánossy (1914–1997). He married the physicist Leonie Kahn (1913-1966) who he met during his studies in Berlin: together they were parents to physicists Mihály Jánossy (1942–2004), András Jánossy (1944), also a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and István Jánossy (1945), as well as Anna Jánossy (1938-1999), a medical researcher. After the 1919 fall of the early Hungarian Soviet Republic, his mother and stepfather, Gertrúd Borstieber and György Lukács, left t
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