
John Phillips (educator)

John Phillips (December 27, 1719 – April 21, 1795) was an early American educator and the cofounder of Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, along with his wife, Elizabeth Phillips. He was a major donor to Dartmouth College, where he served as a trustee. He also made significant donations to Harvard College and Princeton University. Early life and education Phillips was born on January 7, 1719, to Samuel and Hannah (White) Phillips in Andover, Massachusetts. He was a descendant of the Rev. George Phillips of Watertown, the progenitor of the New England Phillips family in America. Phillips entered Harvard University at the age of eleven, and graduated in 1735, at the age of 15. He returned for a master's degree, which he earned in 1738. While studying theology and medicine under his father, he headed schools in Andover and neighboring towns. Career In 1741, he moved to Exeter, New Hampshire, where he headed a private school f
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