Anders MeibomAnders Meibom obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Southern Denmark in 1997. This was followed by two and a half years of PostDoc work at the Hawaii Institute for Geophysics and Planetology, where he conducted mineralogical studies of primitive chondritic meteorites. From 2000 to 2005, he was Research Associate in the Geological & Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, where he represented Stanford in the USGS-Stanford ion microprobe laboratory. In 2005, he became proifessor at the Muséum National dHistoire Naturelle in Paris. From 2006 to 2011 he was the director of the French national NanoSIMS laboratory. Since January 2012, he is professor at the EPFL in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC). From April 2014, he is professor ad personam at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne.
Lyesse LalouiDirector, EPFL Soil Mechanics LaboratoryDirector, EPFL Civil Engineering SectionEditor in Chief, ElsevierMember of the Swiss Academy of Engineering SciencesFounding Partner, Geoeg & MeduSoilActive in academic research in the following institutions: Lausanne, EPFL, Durham, Duke University, Nanjing, Hohai UniversityProfessor Lyesse Laloui teaches at EPFL, where he directs the Soil Mechanics Laboratory as well as the Civil Engineering Section. He is a founding partner of the international engineering company Geoeg, and the start-up MeduSoil. In addition, he is an adjunct professor at Duke University, USA and an advisory professor at Hohai University, China as well as honorary director of the International Joint Research Center for Energy Geotechnics in China.He is the recipient of an Advance ERC grant for his BIO-mediated GEO-material Strengthening project. Editor in Chief of the Elsevier Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment journal, he is a leading scientist in the field of geomechanics and geo-energy. He has written and edited 13 books and published over 320 peer reviewed papers; his work is cited more than 6000 times with an h-index of 39 (Scopus). Two of his papers are among the top 1% in the academic field of Engineering. He has given keynote and invited lectures at more than 40 leading international conferences. He has received several international awards (IACMAG, RM Quigley, Roberval) and delivered honorary lectures (Vardoulakis, Minnesota; G.A. Leonards, Purdue; Kersten, Minnesota). He recently acted as the Chair of the international evaluation panel of Civil and Geological Engineering R&D Units of Portugal.Nov. 2019 For further information visit ; ; Karen ScrivenerDe nationalité anglaise, Karen Scrivener est née en 1958. Au cours de sa carrière, ses travaux et sa recherche traitaient des domaines suivants: Identification du développement microstucturale pendant l'hydratation du ciment. Elaboration d'une approche multitechnique pour étudier la microstucture des ciments et bétons, avec accent sur la quantification par analyse des images d'électrons retrodiffusés. Caractérisation de l'auréole de transition de la pâte de ciment autour des granulats. Compréhension des processus de dégardation des bétons, en particulier le gonflement lié à la formation de l'éttringite retardée dans les bétons étuvés.
Dimitrios TerzisDimitrios Terzis received his Civil Engineering diploma from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 2014, having spent a year in the ESTP, Paris as an exchange student. In 2017, he graduated with a doctoral degree (PhD) in Mechanics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). His research, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant 200021_140246) and a scholarship of Academic Excellence of the Swiss Federal Government (No. 2014.0276), focused on the crystallisation of calcium carbonate in soils. With his thesis, Dimitrios contributed in the fields of advanced material characterisation through microscopy and X-Ray tomography techniques, predictive modelling and full-scale geotechnical applications. He’s the co-inventor of three EPFL patents and the author of more than 10 peer-reviewed publications with an h-index of 6 (Scopus, as of 08/2020). He is the recipient of grants and awards which sum up to over CHF 1 Mn, among which an EPFL Innogrant Fellowship (2018), a Swiss National Science foundation BRIDGE grant (2019) and an Innobooster grant from the Gebert rüf Stiftung. Since 2019 he is the principal lecturer and responsible for the course Innovation for construction and the environment which is part of EPFL's Master's program in Civil Engineering.
Emmanuel DenariéEmmanuel Denarié is a civil engineer, with a PhD in Materials Science. He worked for 3 years in a civil engineering company where he was in charge of the design of structures and the maintenance of bridges. He has 30 years’ experience on research and applications in the field of building materials, advanced concretes, and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures. He is since 2000 senior scientist and lecturer in the Laboratory for Maintenance and Safety of structures, at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), in charge of research and development activities on the application of concretes and advanced cementitious materials to the improvement of existing and new structures. In 2013, under the lead of Emmanuel Denarié, in cooperation with CEREMA, Subdivision des Phares et Balises from Lorient, and Lafarge, a turret at sea (Le Cabon, Brittany, France) was reinforced by a cast on site 60 mm thick UHPFRC shell. The strain hardening mix was developed jointly with Lafarge. This successful application in extreme conditions of access and restraint of the substrate (thin ring geometry) opened the way to large-scale industrial applications of UHPFRC for the reinforcement of existing structures.
Philippe BuffatBorn in Lausanne (Switzerland) in 1942. EPUL physics engineer diploma in 1967 and EPFL PhD in physics in 1976. From 1966 he studies at the Experimental Physics Laboratory (Prof. J.P. Borel) the physical properties peculiar to the very small size metal crystals and gets a PhD degree for his thesis "Abaissement de la température de fusion de petits cristaux d'or par effet de taille thermodynamique" (Lowering of the melting temperature of small gold crystals by thermodynamic size effect). In 1971, he starts to develop an electron microscopy facility available to all EPFL students and researchers (nowadays Centre Interdisciplinaire de Microscopie Electronique CIME) that he manages till 2007. In parallel he teaches the principles of electron microscopy and the Experimental methods of physics at the Physics/Basic Sciences School (SB). In addition, he trains a large part of the facility users. Honorary professor BS/EPFL he carries-out a free-lance research at CIME and in collaboration with the Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICRAS, Moscow) and the International Centre of Electron Microscopy for Material Science (IC-EM AGH Krakow) This activity covers all the techniques related to transmission and scanning electron microscopy applied to materials science and solid-state physics. His interest is directed towards the structure of nanocrystals, their size effects and behavior under strong electron irradiation, the phase transitions in perovskites, the characterization of nanophases, multilayer and interface structures of crystalline materials and bioceramics. More recently a large research part has moved to understanding/pointing-out the adequacy between the limits of the instruments and their interpretation means in regard of their use in a multiusers facility with a large turnover and a wide range of materials/structures. He is past-president (2006-2007) of the Société Française des Microscopies (Sfµ), honorary member of the Sfµ and of the Swiss Society of Optics and Microscopy (SSOM).
Philippe GilletPhilippe GILLET est entré à lEcole normale supérieure de la rue dUlm (Paris) pour y mener des études en sciences de la Terre. En 1983, il obtient un PhD en géophysique à luniversité de Paris VII et rejoint luniversité de Rennes I comme assistant. En 1988, titulaire dun doctorat dEtat, il devient professeur dans cette même université et la quitte en 1992 pour rejoindre Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon.
La formation des chaînes de montagnes, et des Alpes en particuliers, est lobjet de la première partie de sa carrière scientifique. En parallèle, il développe des techniques expérimentales (cellules à enclumes de diamants)qui permettent de simuler en laboratoire les conditions de pression et de température qui règnent au sein des planètes. Lobjectif de ces expériences est de comprendre de quels matériaux sont constituées les profondeurs inatteignables des planètes du système solaire.
En 1997, il commence à travailler sur la matière extraterrestre. Il participe à la description de météorites venant de Mars, de la Lune ou de planètes aujourdhui disparues et explique comment celles-ci ont été expulsées de leur planète dorigine par des chocs titanesques avant darriver sur Terre. Il a aussi participé au programme STARDUST de la NASA et contribué à lidentification de grains de comète ramenés sur Terre après avoir été capturés au voisinage de la comète Wild-II. Ces grains représentent les premiers minéraux de notre système solaire, formés il y a plus de 4,5 milliards dannées. Il a aussi travaillé sur les sujets suivants :
interactions entre bacteries et minéraux;
amorphisation sous pression;
techniques expérimentales: cellule à enclumes de diamant, spectroscopie Raman,diffraction des RX sur source synchrotron, microscopie électronique.
Philippe Gillet a aussi une activité de management de la science et de lenseignement. Il a ainsi dirigé lInstitut National des Sciences de lUnivers du CNRS (France), présidé le synchrotron français SOLEIL, lAgence Nationale de la Recherche française(2007) et lEcole normale supérieure de Lyon. Avant de rejoindre lEPFL il a été le directeur de cabinet du Ministre français de la Recherche et de lEnseignement Supérieur.
Quelques publications :
Ferroir, T., L. Dubrovinsky, A. El Goresy, A. Simionovici, T. Nakamura, and P. Gillet (2010), Carbon polymorphism in shocked meteorites: Evidence for new natural ultrahard phases, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290(1-2), 150-154
Barrat J.A., Bohn M., Gillet Ph., Yamaguchi A. (2009) Evidence for K-rich terranes on Vesta from impact spherules. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 44, 359374.
Brownlee D, Tsou P, Aleon J, et al. (2006) Comet 81P/Wild 2 under a microscope. Science, 314, 1711-1716.
Beck P., Gillet Ph., El Goresy A., and Mostefaoui S. (2005) Timescales of shock processes in chondrites and Martian meteorites. Nature 435, 1071-1074.
Blase X., Gillet Ph., San Miguel A. and Mélinon P. (2004) Exceptional ideal strength of carbon clathrates. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 215505-215509.
Gillet Ph. (2002) Application of vibrational spectroscopy to geology. In Handbook of vibrational spectroscopy, Vol. 4 (ed. J. M. Chalmers and P. R. Griffiths), pp. 1-23. John Wiley & Sons.
Gillet Ph., Chen C., Dubrovinsky L., and El Goresy A. (2000) Natural NaAlSi3O8 -hollandite in the shocked Sixiangkou meteorite. Science 287, 1633-1636.
Esther AmstadEsther Amstad studied material science at ETH in Zurich. She also carried out her PhD thesis at the same University under the supervision of Prof. Marcus Textor; for her thesis, she worked on the surface modification and steric stabilization of oxide nanoparticles. As a postdoctoral fellow, she joined the experimental condensed soft matter group of David A. Weitz at Harvard University where she used droplet based microfluidics to assemble different types of functional micro- and nanomaterials. In addition, she developped new microfluidic devices that enable the production of very small, airborne drops as well as devices that produce highly monodisperse emulsion drops at a very high throughput. In June 2014, Esther joined the material science department (IMX) of EPFL where she is leading the Soft Materials Laboratory (SMAL).