MATH-561: Spectral theoryThis course is an introduction to the spectral theory of linear operators acting in Hilbert spaces. The main goal is the spectral decomposition of unbounded selfadjoint operators. We will also give el
MATH-496: Computational linear algebraThis is an introductory course to the concentration of measure phenomenon - random functions that depend on many random variables tend to be often close to constant functions.
MATH-731(2): Topics in geometric analysis IIThe goal of this course is to introduce the student to the basic notion of analysis on metric (measure) spaces, quasiconformal mappings, potential theory on metric spaces, etc. The subjects covered wi
MATH-487: Topics in stochastic analysisThis course offers an introduction to topics in stochastic analysis, oriented about theory of multi-scale stochastic dynamics. We shall learn the fundamental ideas, relevant techniques, and in general
MATH-485: Introduction to stochastic PDEsStochastic PDEs are used to model systems that are spatially extended and include a random component. This course gives an introduction to this topic, including some general measure theory, some Gauss
MATH-519: Topics in high-dimensional probabilityThis is a theoretical course about probability in high dimensions. We will look at some mathematical phenomena appearing as the number of random variables grows large - e.g. concentration of measure o
ME-301: Measurement techniquesTheoretical and practical course on experimental techniques for observation and measurement of physical variables such as force, strain, temperature, flow velocity, structural deformation and vibratio
PHYS-641: Quantum ComputingAfter introducing the foundations of classical and quantum information theory, and quantum measurement, the course will address the theory and practice of digital quantum computing, covering fundament