
Frank H. Murray

Frank Hardart Murray (born 1953) is an American business executive. He is founder, president and chief executive officer of InterTech Media and Zocle Media. In the 1990s, Murray was the chairman and CEO of Goodman Manufacturing Company who engineered Goodman's purchase of Amana Corporation from Raytheon and initiated Amana's successful brand-revitalization campaign. Under Murray, Goodman moved up Forbes' list of 500 Biggest Private Companies from #405 to 66. Murray has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor's degree in mathematics and economics from Ohio Wesleyan University. Early life Born in New York City and raised in Connecticut, Murray came from a family of entrepreneurs. He is named after his maternal great grandfather, Frank Hardart, co-founder of Horn & Hardart, the company known for the Automats – the self serve cafeterias popular in Philadelphia and New York. On his father's side, he is the grandson of William J. Murray and the great-grandson of Samuel
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