Smart growth is an urban planning and transportation theory that concentrates growth in compact walkable urban centers to avoid sprawl. It also advocates compact, transit-oriented, walkable, bicycle-friendly land use, including neighborhood schools, complete streets, and mixed-use development with a range of housing choices. The term "smart growth" is particularly used in North America. In Europe and particularly the UK, the terms "compact city", "urban densification" or "urban intensification" have often been used to describe similar concepts, which have influenced government planning policies in the UK, the Netherlands and several other European countries. Smart growth values long-range, regional considerations of sustainability over a short-term focus. Its sustainable development goals are to achieve a unique sense of community and place; expand the range of transportation, employment, and housing choices; equitably distribute the costs and benefits of development; preserve and enhance natural and cultural resources; and promote public health. Smart growth is a theory of land development that accepts that growth and development will continue to occur, and so seeks to direct that growth in an intentional, comprehensive way. Its proponents include urban planners, architects, developers, community activists, and historic preservationists. The term "smart growth" is an attempt to reframe the conversation from "growth" versus "no growth" (or NIMBY) to good/smart growth versus bad/dumb growth. Proponents seek to distinguish smart growth from urban sprawl, which they claim causes most of the problems that fuel opposition to urban growth, such as traffic congestion and environmental degradation. Smart growth principles are directed at developing sustainable communities that provide a greater range of transportation and housing choices and prioritize infill and redevelopment in existing communities rather than development of "greenfield" farmland or natural lands.

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Cours associés (13)
AR-201(g): Studio BA3 (Rey)
Par une approche à différentes échelles d'intervention - du projet urbain au détail constructif - l'atelier vise à explorer les stratégies architecturales permettant de régénérer les territoires urbai
AR-507: Urban demography
This course introduces theoretical developments and empirical evidence on city population change worldwide, as well as on its interactions with sustainable development. Students will learn how to iden
AR-673: Transition workshop
The TW offers an educational framework to accelerate the ecological transition of the built realm. It aims to deepen the knowledge on the built environment and its sustainable development, create/tran
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Séances de cours associées (53)
Infrastructure urbaine: Planification et développement
Explore la planification des infrastructures urbaines, les modèles de développement et les défis de la croissance urbaine.
Sprawl urbain : passé, présent et futur
Explore l'évolution historique et les défis de l'étalement urbain, en insistant sur la nécessité de solutions d'urbanisme durables.
Genre et habitat / Suisse, Métropole ordinaire
Explore les rôles de genre dans la conception de l'habitat et le développement urbain en Suisse.
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Publications associées (100)
Concepts associés (20)
Étalement urbain
alt=|vignette|upright=1.7|Étalement urbain dans la banlieue de Paris en 2005 L’'étalement urbain' est la progression des surfaces urbanisées à la périphérie des villes. Cela concerne l'habitat, en grande partie des maisons individuelles, mais aussi de nombreuses entreprises qui nécessitent de grandes surfaces et parmi elles des centres commerciaux. Dans tous ces lieux desservis par la voiture individuelle, une part importante de l'espace utilisé est attribuée aux voies et aux stationnements enrobés, dont les nuisances ont été relevées.
Nouvel urbanisme
vignette|L'exemple de la ville de Celebration (Floride) qui s'est appuyé sur ce courant pour se développer. Le nouvel urbanisme, ou néo-urbanisme, est un courant urbanistique fondé sur la réduction de la place de la voiture. Né d'abord aux États-Unis d’Amérique en réaction à l'étalement urbain, il connaît une certaine faveur depuis les années 1980 sous la houlette de l'architecte Andres Duany. Comme l'urbanisme néo-traditionnel, il reprend les principes traditionnels de l'urbanisme et de la morphologie urbaine, mais s'en distingue en s'abstenant d'inviter à reproduire des styles architecturaux traditionnels.
Urban design
Urban design is an approach to the design of buildings and the spaces between them that focuses on specific design processes and outcomes. In addition to designing and shaping the physical features of towns, cities, and regional spaces, urban design considers 'bigger picture' issues of economic, social and environmental value and social design. The scope of a project can range from a local street or public space to an entire city and surrounding areas.
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MOOCs associés (4)
Smart Cities, Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures
Learn about the principles of management of urban infrastructures in the era of Smart Cities. The introduction of Smart urban technologies into legacy infrastructures has already resulted and will con
Smart Cities, Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures
Learn about the principles of management of urban infrastructures in the era of Smart Cities. The introduction of Smart urban technologies into legacy infrastructures has already resulted and will con
Smart Cities, Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures
Learn about the principles of management of urban infrastructures in the era of Smart Cities. The introduction of Smart urban technologies into legacy infrastructures has already resulted and will con
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