Metatranscriptomics is the set of techniques used to study gene expression of microbes within natural environments, i.e., the metatranscriptome.
While metagenomics focuses on studying the genomic content and on identifying which microbes are present within a community, metatranscriptomics can be used to study the diversity of the active genes within such community, to quantify their expression levels and to monitor how these levels change in different conditions (e.g., physiological vs. pathological conditions in an organism). The advantage of metatranscriptomics is that it can provide information about differences in the active functions of microbial communities that would otherwise appear to have similar make-up.
The microbiome has been defined as a microbial community occupying a well-defined habitat. These communities are ubiquitous and can play a key role in maintenance of the characteristics of their environment, and an imbalance in these communities can negatively affect the activities of the setting in which they reside. To study these communities, and to then determine their impact and correlation with their niche, different omics approaches have been used. While metagenomics can help researchers generate a taxonomic profile of the sample, metatrascriptomics provides a functional profile by analysing which genes are expressed by the community. It is possible to infer what genes are expressed under specific conditions, and this can be done using functional annotations of expressed genes.
Since metatranscriptomics focuses on what genes are expressed, it enables the characterization of the active functional profile of the entire microbial community. The overview of the gene expression in a given sample is obtained by capturing the total mRNA of the microbiome and performing whole-metatranscriptomics shotgun sequencing.
Although microarrays can be exploited to determine the gene expression profiles of some model organisms, next-generation sequencing and third-generation sequencing are the preferred techniques in metatranscriptomics.
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vignette|upright=2|Phytobiome (ou microbiome d'un végétal) occupant l'endosphère (toute la plante) et ici aussi représenté compartimenté, dont en rhizosphère (sur et à proximité des racines), et phyllosphère (sur et sous les feuilles uniquement). On retrouve aussi sur (voire dans) la plante des microbes plus ou moins ubiquistes et opportunistes, éventuellement pathogènes provenant de l'air et du sol.
Le projet microbiote humain (en anglais, Human Microbiome Project ou HMP) est une initiative des National Institutes of Health (NIH) américains dont le but est d'identifier et de caractériser l'ensemble des micro-organismes qui vivent en association avec les humains, le microbiote. Lancé en 2008, ce projet de cinq ans, d'un budget total de $115 millions, avait pour but de découvrir les liens entre l'état de santé et les maladies d'une part et le microbiote des personnes impliquées dans cette étude.
vignette|Escherichia coli, l'une des espèces bactériennes sous-dominantes du microbiote intestinal. Le microbiote est l'ensemble des micro-organismes vivant dans un environnement spécifique (appelé microbiome) chez un hôte (animal : zoobiote ; végétal : phytobiote ; sol : microbiote tellurique ; air : aérobiote) ou une matière (d'origine animale ou végétale). Ces micro-organismes peuvent être présents sans impact sur leur hôte (commensalisme) ou entrer en interaction étroite avec lui (mutualisme, parasitisme non létal).
This course will take place from 3rd to 7th June 2024.It will introduce the workflows and techniques that are used for the analysis of bulk and single cell RNA-seq data. It will empower students to
This course will train doctoral students to use bioinformatic tools to analyse amplicon and metagenomic sequences. In addition, we will also touch upon meta-transcriptomics and meta-proteomics.
Explore la livraison de vitamines au côlon pour améliorer le microbiote intestinal et combattre les maladies hôtes en modulant les communautés microbiennes.
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