Within the context of building construction and building codes, occupancy is the use (actual or intended) of a building (or its portion) for the shelter or support of persons, animals or property. A closely related meaning is the number of units in such a building that are rented, leased, or otherwise in use. Lack of occupancy, in this sense, is known as vacancy.
It is possible to have multiple occupancies (or building uses) within one building. For example, a high-rise building can have retail stores occupying the lower levels, while the upper levels are residential. Different occupancies within a building are separated by a fire barrier with a defined fire-resistance rating. It is common for a penetration (such as a fire door) to have a fire protection rating lower than the wall fire–resistance rating in which it is installed. For example, a two-hour fire separation normally requires fire doors rated at 90 minutes.
For some high challenge occupancies, the code requirements for an occupancy separation are more stringent than for other fire barriers, even with an identical fire resistance rating. In this case, an occupancy separation with a two-hour fire-resistance rating may not be able to "de-rate" its closures, such fire doors and firestops. For example, a two-hour rated "high challenge fire wall" requires two-hour rated fire doors.
Firestops in occupancy separations are also more likely to require an equal fire protection rating (a fire resistance rating for closures). They also must provide a temperature rating ensuring that the components of the firestop systems, including the penetrants are not permitted to rise in temperature above 140°C (284°F) on average or 180°C (356°F) at any single point, to lower the likelihood of auto-ignition on the unexposed side. In this manner, occupancy separations are treated similarly to fire walls which are structurally stable in case of a fire, thus limiting the danger of fire-induced building collapse.
In this sense, there are two occupancies in many single-family homes: the garage and the living space of the home.
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Learn how to describe, model and control urban traffic congestion in simple ways and gain insight into advanced traffic management schemes that improve mobility in cities and highways.
Learn how to describe, model and control urban traffic congestion in simple ways and gain insight into advanced traffic management schemes that improve mobility in cities and highways.
vignette Historiquement, le foyer (l'âtre, la cheminée) est le point central d'une habitation, dans la mesure où il procure la chaleur et permet de faire la cuisine. Le foyer désigne ici par métonymie le logement familial. En archéologie, trouver les traces d'un foyer permet généralement de déterminer nombre d'informations sur l'habitat et les habitudes des personnes vivant dans un lieu donné, en fonction de sa taille, de sa position dans l'espace par rapport aux limites de l’habitat et de son ancienneté (mesurées d'après la profondeur à laquelle il est découvert ou au carbone 14).
Un document technique unifié (DTU) est un document applicable aux marchés de travaux de bâtiment en France. Il est établi par la « Commission Générale de Normalisation du Bâtiment/DTU » dont le Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment assure le secrétariat. Un DTU peut se composer des documents suivants : Le cahier des clauses techniques (CCT) qui définit les conditions à respecter dans le choix et la mise en œuvre des matériaux ; Le cahier des clauses spéciales (CCS) qui accompagne le CCT et définit les limites des prestations et obligations envers les autres corps de métier ; Les règles de calcul pour le dimensionnement des ouvrages.
Fire safety is the set of practices intended to reduce destruction caused by fire. Fire safety measures include those that are intended to prevent the ignition of an uncontrolled fire and those that are used to limit the spread and impact of a fire. Fire safety measures include those that are planned during the construction of a building or implemented in structures that are already standing and those that are taught or provided to occupants of the building. Threats to fire safety are commonly referred to as fire hazards.
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Buildings are designed to respond to functional and regulatory needs, providing comfortable conditions to occupants, offering satisfactory environmental settings, minimising health risks, and enhancing individual and collective quality of life. Although th ...
Occupant behavior, defined as the presence and energy-related actions of occupants, is today known as a key driver of building energy use. Closing the gap between what is provided by building energy systems and what is actually needed by occupants requires ...